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这将我们带回到紧急设计上来。Which brings me back around to emergent design.

因此,它是涌现唯物主义的子分支。Hence, it is a sub-branch of emergent materialism.

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软件之所以不同是因为它是新生事物。Software is different because it is an emergent reality.

发现这些模式是紧急设计的关键。Discovering these patterns is the key to emergent design.

每个物体本身都是一个整体,是更小的整体的扩展。Each is a whole itself and an emergent from smaller wholes.

我有要事要处理,能够先走一步吗。I get anything emergent to deal, weselves i leave in advance.

艺术在意象的生成中存在。So art exists in the continuous emergent process of Yi-xiang.

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紧急设计的真正诀窍就是发现这些模式。The real trick in emergent design is discovering these patterns.

结论急诊手术对绝大多数AEI的病人有效。CONCLUSION Emergent surgery is effective in most patients of AEI.

突发性危机事件是当前国际社会面临的一大难题。The emergent crisis is the hang-up faced by international society.

群体产生出一种衡量突现事物复杂性的需求。Mobs breed a requisite measure of complexity for emergent entities.

这种群体交互可以产生令人惊奇的意外结果。This kind of group interaction can create amazing emergent results.

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所以,我们崇拜主要有传统式的,现代式的,和现在新兴式的。So, we have the traditional, contemporary and now the emergent styles.

相反,它们是物理基本定律的涌现性。Instead, they are emergent properties of the fundamental laws of physics.

生命是有机分子的凸显特性自下而上自发形成的。Life is a bottom-up, self-organized emergent property of organic molecules.

制作发票和装箱单并协助解决紧急关务问题。Make invoice and packing list and assist in solving emergent customs problems.

水是氢原子和氧原子自我组织在一起,自下而上地展现的一种突现[2]特质。Water is a bottom up, self-organised emergent property of hydrogen and oxygen.

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组群大学的出现是现代大学制度建立的标志。Emergent Group University marked construction of modern university institution.

即时游戏弄法有很多好处,很多挑战但也存在一些毛病。Emergent game play has a lot of benefits, many challenges and some disadvantages.

现在亟待解决的技术中让人最兴奋的就是个人授权问题。One of the most exciting things about emergent technology is personal empowerment.