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逐步排除非炎症性肠病的诊断方法也被采用。A stepwise approach to exclude non-IBD enterocolitis also must be introduced.

膳食纤维还有利于化疗引起的肠道炎症恢复。Dietary fiber also can facilitate intestinal recovery after enterocolitis induced by chemotherapy.

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目的研究利福昔明对比环丙沙星治疗急性肠炎的有效性和安全性。Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of rifaximing in the treatment of acute enterocolitis.

经诊断为坏死性肠炎,并接受外科手术治疗。The patient was diagnosed as having necrotizing enterocolitis and received a multiple segmental resection.

目的研究新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎发病与相关因素之间的关系。Objective To investigate the relationship between invasion of necrotizing enterocolitis and it's relative factors.

目的提高对伪膜性肠炎的病因、临床特点及治疗方法的认识。Objective To understand the mechanism and clinical characteristic and treatment plan of pseudomembranous enterocolitis.

脑室内出血的机率、死亡和坏死性肠炎在高位和低位脐动脉导管中没有明显差别。Intraventricular hemorrhage rates, death and necrotizing enterocolitis are not more frequent with high compared to low catheters.

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目的系统评价新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎的危险因素,为制订预防措施提供循证依据。Objective To systematically review and evaluate the risk factors of necrotizing enterocolitis and provide evidences for prevention.

在短期的生长、胃肠的耐受度或造成坏死性肠炎方面,并无证据显示MCT和LCT之间有所差别。There is no evidence of difference between MCT and LCT on short-term growth, gastrointestinal intolerance, or necrotizing enterocolitis.

结果患者老年,在应用广谱抗生素后出现重症伪膜性肠炎,积极治疗无效死亡。Results Old-age patient appeared severe pseudomembranous enterocolitis after using broad-spectrum antibiotic, died although active treatment.

此外,小鹅瘟的病理特征是在肠道形成纤维素坏死性肠炎和脱落形成特殊的栓子。In addition, the pathological features of gosling plague is the formation of cellulose in the intestinal necrotizing enterocolitis and off to form emboli special.

近年来学者应用腹腔液引流术治疗患有坏死性肠炎穿孔之极低体重早产儿,预后颇佳。In recent time, peritoneal drainage under local anesthesia for critically-ill premature infants with complicating perforation of necrotizing enterocolitis has had good results.

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临床表现为患儿胎粪排出延迟,顽固性便秘和腹胀,常并发小肠结肠炎、低位性肠梗阻,严重者危及患儿生命。Delay to excrete meconium, refractory constipation and abdominal distension are commonly seen, also commonly accompanying with enterocolitis in small intestine and colon, lower intestine obstruction.