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谢谢你9月18日的来信。Thank you for your letter dated Sep. 18.

2001年9月21日由陆地卫星5号拍摄Image taken by Landsat 5 on Sep. 21, 2001

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2002年9月22日由陆地卫星7号拍摄Image taken by Landsat 7 on Sep. 22, 2002

下面专家为您详解前列腺自我按摩方法。Experts for you below prostate self massage method, sep.

开学半个月了!短短的九月就这样咻一下就过去了!Back to school for half a month. Short Sep . passes so fast!

简易雇员退休金计划是由储户控制的简易的投资帐户。SEP IRAs are simple investment accounts controlled by the saver.

为了抓住逃犯,警察在路上竖立了路障。Road-blocks were sep up by the police to catch the escaped prisoner.

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这个明明就是告诉你是预售,正式发布将在2009年9月30日。Available for Pre-order . This item will be released on Sep 30, 2009.

小学部全体学生在老师带领下参观了上海动物园。The elementary school of Jincai went to Shanghai Zoo on Sep. 27,2007.

17为统一行动,成立了9.17学习小组,作为英语角的中流砥柱。Sep 17,2010, set up 9.17 learning team as the mainstay of English corner.

1984年9月14日日本长野县西部地震产生了大规模的泥石流。The earthquake of 14 Sep. 1984 in west Nagano caused massive soil rock flow.

渥伯顿终于接受克劳福的好意,让他在九月十五日骑车载她到她的派对。Warburton finally said yes to Crawford's offer of a ride to her party on Sep. 15.

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1940年9月在他们被轰炸后家废墟瓦砾前的无家可归的儿童,伦敦东部郊区。Homeless children in front of their wrecked home, eastern London suburb, Sep 1940.

位于大屿山竹篙湾的香港迪士尼乐园于2005年9月开幕。Hong Kong Disney Land, located in Penny's Bay, Lantau Island, opened in Sep. 2005.

在应用导航指导病灶切除的同时实时监测SEP。The resection of lesions was guided by neuronavigation and real-time SEP monitoring.

2005年9月9日,一个叫李昀铮的男孩,诞生在一个普通北京家庭里。A boy named Li Yunzheng was born in a common family in Beijing, China, on Sep. 9, 2005.

中日双方投资促进机构第十五次联席会议九月八日在厦门召开。On 8th Sep. the 15 Sino-Japan investment Promotion Joint Commission Meeting was held in Xiamen.

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应用GPS技术在华北布设了一个四维地形变监测网。The 4-D earth deformation monitoring network was sep up in North China by using GPS technology.

昨日,沪综指虽然最后没收上2300点,但2245点已经形不成压迫。On Sep 25, the Shanghai Composite Index surged over 2245 points, though still under 2300 points.

9月19日,新加坡农产品与兽医局宣布暂停进口和销售中国牛奶和奶制品。Since 19 Sep 08, AVA has suspended the import and sale of all milk and milk products from China.