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17世纪的一幅壁画。A fresco painting of the 17th century.

抱厦上绘有精美的壁画。There is an exquisite fresco on that porch.

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一块吃饭用的麻栗树木材甲板和荫凉的一个天棚。A teak deck for al fresco dining and a canopy for shade.

四是,壁画墓在陪葬墓中占据主导地位。The fresco has been found in most of the accompanied tombs.

甬道墙壁上依稀可见唐代色彩艳丽、图案精美的壁画痕迹。The dimly and colourful fresco in the corridor wall of tomb.

壁画这种绘画形式对画家的技巧有很高要求。The medium of fresco makes great demands on a painter's techinical skill.

壁画在建筑空间的流动感正是由建筑艺术这一特性产生的。The mobility of fresco in architecture just results from this particularity.

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历史时空的转移,对原有的本生壁画起了多少不同的开展作用。With the development of time and space, the jataka fresco has changed a lot.

为什么选择克孜尔壁画?因为它是多种文化的中国化表现。Why I choose Czeier fresco Its a compositive present for many kinds of cultures.

而一个弗莱斯科松脆玉米饼则有150卡路里热量、7克脂肪及7克蛋白质。And a Fresco Crunchy Taco has 150 calories, 7 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein.

矛上的回纹铭很象广西花山壁画上的民族纹饰。The grains on spear likes the national grains of fresco of Guangxi Flower Mountain.

所以,满足人的视觉器官是壁画设计的关键所在。So the key purpose of fresco design is to satisfy the demand of people's visual organ.

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他们以拜占廷式的图案建造,小面积地用壁画做装饰。They are built on the byzantine pattern , in small scale , and have painted fresco decoration.

壁画艺术对城市环境的介入正好能够满足人们的这种审美和精神的渴求。The interposition of fresco art in the city environment can just satisfy with the requirement of people.

儿童天地的翻斗乐设施及卡通壁画,令整个游乐场充满童趣。The fundozzle facilities for the children and the carton fresco fill the playground with the child flavor.

几百年来,人们首次在意大利文艺复兴时期的大师乔托的壁画中发现一个隐藏着的魔鬼的脸。A devil's face hidden for centuries has been revealed in a fresco by the Italian renaissance master Giotto.

儿童天地的翻斗乐设施及卡通壁画,令整个游乐场充满童趣。Thee fundozzle facilities for the children and the carton fresco fill the playground with the child flavor.

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经图本为新疆一寺院内壁画,今寺已荒废,但其中的壁画或许因此保存下来也未可知。Although the temple was deserted, but that may be the major cause why the fresco has survived to the present.

此木三红大,1937年生于日本东京,画家、雕塑家、玻璃画家、壁画家。Mr. Mikuo Konoki, born in Tokyo Japan in 1937, is an oil painter, sculptor, glass painter and fresco painter.

正如反映在不可想象的各种菜单的展示中一样,乌节路正在面对这样的挑战。And 0rchard Road steps up to the challenge as reflected in the incredible array of menus, al fresco delis to from.