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我的家乡是天津。My hometown is Tianjin.

这条是通往天津的路。It's the road to Tianjin.

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没有!哈尔滨是下一站。The next stop is Tianjin.

我想买去天津的往返票。I'd like a return t Tianjin.

天津农学院。Tianjin agriculture college.

而天津话是不断变化的。Tianjin dialect is changing.

我常乘公共汽车去天津。I often go to Tianjin by bus.

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我想买去天津的往返票。I'd like a return to Tianjin.

这种米是天津产的。The rice is grown in Tianjin.

这些自行车是天京制造的。The bikes are made in Tianjin.

第九个男孩是天津人。The ninth boy is from Tianjin.

我可以买张去天津的票吗?May I have a ticket to Tianjin?

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刘家已经搬到天津去了。The Lius have moved to Tianjin.

这九个男孩子是天津人。The nine boys are from TianJin.

这种米是天津产的。The rice is produced in Tianjin.

这就是小楠一天的天津之行!再也不去了!I will never go to tianjin again!

天津是一个值得参观的城市。Tianjin is a city worth visiting.

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天津港也在这儿。Tianjin Port, is also located here.

我从天津搭便车去北京。I hitchhike from Tianjin to Beijing.

我从天津搭便车去北京。I hitchhiked from Tianjin to Beijing.