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我觉得酒吧里的音乐太吵人了。I find the music in the bar very obtrusive.

种子密封在一个张扬囊肉。Seed enclosed in an obtrusive sac of flesh.

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这不会挥发,但会变得不再显眼。It will not evaporate, but it will become less obtrusive.

所以说搜索栏还是有问题,但是不那么烦人了。So the search box is still flawed, but much less obtrusive.

我不喜欢那种单反镜头又大又沉又突兀的相机。I just don’t like how an SLR is big and heavy and obtrusive.

忘不了房间墙壁上那几个碍眼的毛笔字。Not forget that the wall of the room a few obtrusive calligraphy.

林夕为自己的莽撞驾驶向水岛道歉。What Lin Xi is him is obtrusive drive to apologize to water island.

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保守党一般批评自由党想要咄咄逼人的大政府。Conservatives generally criticize liberals for wanting obtrusive big government.

受雇的画家尝试着将突兀的巨塔融入周围的风景之中。Painters were hired to try and blend the huge, obtrusive towers into the landscape.

“这真是一个非常冒失的孩子,”葛擂硬先生转过身来向他皱着眉头说。"This is a very obtrusive lad! "said Mr. Gradgrind, turning, and knitting his brows on him.

在这种地方,四季景色的递邅不如林区那样突出。The changes of the seasons are less obtrusive on spots of this kind than amid woodland scenery.

如果一切都正常运行,它将在图标的左下角显示一个绿色标记。If everything went well, it will show a green check in the lower-left corner of the icon. It's less obtrusive that way.

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在其他之外的屏幕中提供温度单位的选项,可以使人们方便地察看,而且唐突。Offering the temperature-scale option on the back of the Weather screen makes it conveniently available, but not obtrusive.

难怪与政府有着千丝万缕联系的大型中国公司一直在寻找一些更方便的旁门左道进行海外扩张。No wonder big Chinese firms with government ties have been looking for more oblique and less obtrusive ways to expand abroad.

腹部除皱手术可能会引起大腿的不匀称,丰唇手术会让正常尺寸的鼻子突然看起来很突兀。A tummy tuck may cause the thighs to look out of proportion, while plumped lips may make a normal sized nose suddenly appear obtrusive.

传统课堂教学文化的诸种弊端己日渐显现,无法适应社会的发展和时代的潮流。Obtrusive shortcomings have been gradually showing up in the traditional classroom teaching culture, unable to adapt to social development and the trend of the times.

在此时进一步详细叙述我对各种国内政策的观点将显得冒失而可能意外。To enter on this ocasion into a further or more minute exposition of my views on the various questions of domestic policy would be as obtrusive as it is probably unexpected.

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在此时进一步详细叙述我对各种国内政策的观点将显得冒失而可能意外。To enter on this occasion into a further or more minute exposition of my views on the various questions of domestic policy would be as obtrusive as it is probably unexpected.

当我站起来去驱赶这些令人讨厌的名字时,我发现蜡烛芯掉在一册古董一样的书上。And rousing myself to dispel the obtrusive name, I discovered my candle-wick reclining on one of the antique volumes, and perfuming the place with an odour of roasted calf-skin.

城市发展过程中,交通与环境的矛盾日益突出,为了保全地面结构物,采用隧道方案的也越来越多。The contradictions between communications and environment are more and more obtrusive in the development of cities, to preserve the constructions on the ground, more and more tunnel plans are adopted.