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暹罗猫在某些方面长得有点儿像狗。Siamese cats are rather like dogs in some ways.

我有三只幼小可爱的暹逻种小白猫。I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats.

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暹罗舞者在一座寺庙的庭院前摆出姿势以供拍摄。Siamese dancers strike a pose in a temple courtyard.

有灰色斑点的蓝白色暹罗猫。Siamese cat having a bluish cream body and dark gray points.

邻座上,一位纤弱的暹罗人正在那里展卷精读一部兵法手册。By his elbow a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy.

暹罗斗鱼的体色各式各样,选择面极广。Siamese fighting fish are available in a wide range of colors.

女人抱着一只暹罗猫,还用法语和它讲着话。The woman was holding a large Siamese cat and speaking to him in French.

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讲两连体瓶内浆体等量到处并用物体搅拌均匀。To speak for two Siamese contour bottle paste Stir around and use objects.

是关于昌和恩这对连体双胞胎的,which was about Chang and Eng who were the original pair of Siamese twins

塔隆很高兴因为暹罗发展党现在拉票排在第一。Telon very happy because the Siamese development campaign now ranked first.

我们强烈建议有关连体婴儿的一部分,作为一个好点的高潮。We highly recommend the part about siamese twins as a good point to climax.

英国黑泽住宅区里,一只小猎狗盯着一只坐在窗户上的暹罗猫。A terrier eyes a Siamese cat sitting in the window of a Blackpool, England, home.

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故事和个性就像连体婴儿一样无法分开。Individuality and story are therefore like Siamese twins that cannot be separated.

老挝万象外的老挝动物园,一只婴儿暹罗鳄破壳而出。A baby Siamese crocodile hatches from an egg at the Lao zoo outside Vientiane, Laos.

巴厘猫与暹罗猫相比,脾气不太暴躁,叫声也比较轻柔。Balinese compared with the Siamese cat, not too hot temper, sounds relatively gentle.

有报导说马恩岛无尾猫和暹罗猫是能活得最长的猫。Manx and Siamese have been mentioned as being among the longest-lived pedigreed cats.

如果你拧开它,它看去真的就像连体孪生灯泡,有两个基座,两个灯头。If you unscrew it, it actually looks like a Siamese twin bulb, with two bases and one head.

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像两个连体双胞胎在臀部加入,我们现在有两个宇宙透过玻璃看加入。Like two Siamese twins joined at the hip, we now have two universes joined via the Looking Glass.

最有名的短毛种猫品种是暹罗猫。大多数短毛猫都身体强壮,十分活跃。The most popular short-haired breed is the Siamese. Most short-haired cats are strong and active.

“和谐之旅”展厅将把人们带回古代,一同去探寻暹罗人的生活方式。The "Journey of Harmony" will take visitors to the past to explore the lifestyle of Siamese people.