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我们使用煤碳及其他化石燃料做燃料。We combust coal and other fossil fuels.

我不理解,为什么他会自己燃烧了呢?I don't get it, why did Yogin spontaneously combust?

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总计而言在2000年之中,共有160个法老在金字塔中自燃。All told, 160 pharaohs combust in the pyramids over a 2000-year period.

机器的运转效率只能达到所耗燃料的百分之二十五。Machines are delivering up to only 25 percent of the fuel they combust.

虽然莫琳或许对此感到不悦,但返照盘的八宫主土星也是被焦伤了的。Although Morin would hate this, Saturn, Lord 8 is combust in the return.

本文设计的点火具在以上环境中均获得了稳定、可靠的点火燃烧。The igniters used in this paper can ignite and combust steadily and reliably under the conditions above.

没有冷水,辐照性核燃料就会在放热反应发生的同时燃烧。Without cooling water, the irradiated nuclear fuel could spontaneously combust in an exothermic reaction.

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很久之前,地下的人类在虚假提升中自我焚化而在上面的土地上了激起了一浪火焰。Long ago humans combust in false ascensions underneath the land and they set a wave of fire over the land above.

命主星落在燃烧之路,表明盘主易在经商、交易等事务中陷入麻烦和困扰。The Lord of the Ascendant in the combust way, shows that the Native will be much entangled and pestered with business.

命主星落在燃烧之路,表明盘主易在经商,交易等事务中陷入麻烦和困扰。The Lord of the Ascendant in the combust way, shows that the Native will be much entangled and pestered with business.

二次风切向送入炉膛,在二次燃烧空间形成旋转,与一次燃烧产生的煤气混合形成旋涡燃烧,使煤气燃烧更充分。The post-combustion space and the once-combustion gas mixture to form vortex combustion, so that Gas can combust more.

太阳能点火燃烧器主要使用在垃圾填埋场的气体出口,井或渗漏系统来燃烧气体。Vent Flares are typically used on landfill gas vents, wells, or leachate system cleanout lines to combust flammable gases.

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多数人或许死于进入大中枢太阳的光子带之际,因为那些没有足够永久和谐的人将会燃烧。Many may die upon entry into the photon belt of the Great Central Sun, as those without enough eternal harmony will combust.

然而,化石燃料当燃烧时,制造了一种所知为一氧化碳的、对地球及人类有害的废气。However fossil fuels as they combust produce an emission which is harmful to earth and humans alike known as carbon monoxide.

有时星星连成一线是为了庆祝两个老朋友和好如初。但是有时,它们的联合只是为了见证就爱重燃。Sometimes the stars align for two old friends to come together. but sometimes they align for two old flames to totally combust.

当木头加热到了这个温度,就会释放氢气,和空气中的氧气混在一起燃烧起来。When wood is heated to this temperature, it releases hydrocarbon gases that mix with oxygen in the air, combust and create fire.

我意愿将我自我焚化的祖先送到地球极光中进行一个死后的中阴身及生活完全回顾,那是当时所并没有进行的。I intend to send my combust ancestors for a full bardo and life review beyond death that did not occur and within the aurora of earth.

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去年十一月,五条太阳鲸鱼自燃,导致我们地球上这里六个地图切割者由于中风和脑溢血而死亡。Last November, five solar whales combust causing six of our map carving whales to die of strokes and brain hemorrhaging here upon earth.

金竹山电厂锅炉设计全部燃烧金竹山地区的无烟煤,属于国内最难燃烧煤种之一。All the boilers of Jin Zhushan Power Plant are designed to combust the local anthracite which is a kind of coal most difficult to combust.

我想要去激活每一位与我遗传有关的自燃祖先们的意识,并统计他们各自生命期中的所有记录和业力。I intend to resurrect each combust ancestor related unto my inheritance and account for all records and karma from their respective lifetimes.