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我们向你方报50吨冻鱼,每吨500美元CIF欧洲主要港口。We offer you 5 tons Frozen Fish at USD 500 per ton CIF EMP.

魔术师把玻璃杯头朝下翻转让人看它是空的。The magician turned the glass up side down to show that itw as emp ty.

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线粒体内、外都有氧化酶的活性。EMP and HMP pathways, with oxidase activity both inside and outside mitochondria.

EMP会严重损坏连接到电源的电子设备或天线。An EMP can seriously damage electronic devices connected to power sources or antennas.

不过他也指出,在此种轨道高度,电磁脉冲场相当小,通常只会造成少许干扰。At orbital elevations, EMP fields are small and generally cause little interference, he adds.

两者都很有效,你还可以用大量升级的榴弹兵来增长EMP的时间。Both work great although you can keep the EMP up constantly with multiple upgraded grenadiers.

三脚拥有短程EMP攻击,它可以用在敌人的车辆和建筑上。The Annihilator Tripod has a short range EMP attack it can use on Enemy Vehicles and Buildings.

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EMP武器以其极强的破坏性在现代战争中展现出了显著的作战效能。Prominent battle efficiency of EMP weapon with strong destructiveness is shown in the modern war.

一波“适度”核打击之后再进行电磁脉冲打击,削弱反导系统的作战效能。An EMP strike to reduce the efficiency of anti-missile defences followed by a ‘proper’ nuclear strike.

净电荷数在pH、温度和蛋白质浓度一定的条件下,随水解度的增加成正比例关系增大。The net charge of EMP with certain PH, temperature and protein concentration is proportional to the DH.

地面武器、通讯及其他重要系统也都能抵挡电磁脉冲的影响。Ground-based weapons, communications and other critical systems are insulated against EMP effects as well.

电磁脉冲辐射器是便携式电磁脉冲电场屏蔽效能测试设备的关键部分。The EMP radiator is the key part of the portable measurement equipment of electric field shielding efficacy.

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如果循环使用技能的话,升级了EMP手雷的榴弹兵可以让史诗单位一直瘫痪。Grenadiers with EMP Grenades can keep an Epic Unit EMP'ed almost constantly when several are used in a cycle.

由于钢爪子阵营没有军械库,所以它们不能使用EMP手雷升级。Since the Armory is not available for the Steel Talons sub-faction, they can not make use of the EMP Grenades upgrade.

弹性金属塑料材料的磨损率随滑动速度和载荷的升高而增加。The wear rate of EMP increases with the increase of velocity and load at a different pace under various test conditions.

升级了脉冲线圈之后,四驱车的实用性提高了一大块,尤其是在面对GDI的时候。Once you have the EMP upgrade, the Raider Buggies usefulness has just been raised by quite a lot, especially against GDI.

虽然,EMP不会对大部分人形成伤害,但是却会伤害那些装有心脏起搏器或者身体内植入了其他电子设备的人们。Although an EMP is unlikely to harm most people, it could harm those with pacemakers or other implanted electronic devices.

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很多特别的ARC部队也有子弹带和装有比如电磁脉冲手雷和额外弹药的袋子作为额外装备。Many individual ARC Troopers also had bandoliers and pouches for extra equipment, such as EMP grenades and extra ammunition.

或者改成DOT/缴械效果,总之不应该那么白烂地imba和对神族无敌就是了。A slowing effect maybe, or a weapon disabler, either way EMP needs something that isn't so blatently OP and godly vs protoss only.

义守大学将补助10名成绩优异的菁英学程学生参加海外研习及参访。I-Shou University is awarding funds to 10 EMP students who have outstanding performance to visit universities or companies overseas.