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在这个凄冷孤独的世界?This bleak world alone?

冷地看了我一眼。She gave me a bleak look.

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冷地看了我一眼。She give me a bleak look.

索马里的未来黯淡无光。Somalia's future is bleak.

我笑了,在那个萧瑟的秋季。I smiled, in the bleak autumn.

一曲弦音,苍凉辽远。A string sounds, bleak endless.

但是大选之后,欧宝的前途渺茫。But beyond that its future is bleak.

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黄先生对暗淡的贸易前景提出了警告。Mr Huang warned of a bleak trade outlook.

他们引我来到一间阴冷的会客室。They showed me into a bleak waiting room.

然而,经济全景或许并非全然暗淡。Yet the picture may not be entirely bleak.

不要怨天尤人,无论现在看来是怎么地黯淡凄凉。Complain not, no matter how bleak it seems.

不要怨天恨地,不管此刻看来是怎么地黯淡苦楚。Domplain not, no matter how bleak it seems.

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里卡多给我谈的情况是颇为暗淡的。Riccardo painted a bleak picture before me.

我喜欢这种凄清的美,莫名所以地喜欢。I liked such bleak beauty without any reason.

荒凉的土地上到处是长耳大野兔。The bleak ground pullulated with jackrabbits.

在这个荒凉凄冷的日子,大地仿佛已死去。On this day of bleak cold, the earth seems dead.

这种质朴冷酷的原教旨主义也许只是一种讥讽?Is this countrified bleak fundamentalism a spoof?

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寒风使亮蓝色的花朵们都枯萎了。The bleak breeze blights the bright blue blossom.

寒冷的微风把鲜蓝色的花丛吹得枯萎了!The bleak breeze blights the bright blue blossom.

过度疲累的人看到的世界是极度的萧索与荒凉。The world looks bleak to those who are Overtired.