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这是你的你昵称吗?Is it your nickname?

王琳很喜欢这个绰号。Wang likes this nickname.

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用你的化名或昵称。Use your alias or nickname.

而百灵鸟又只是一个别名。And the Lark was a nickname.

哈罗德的昵称是哈里。Harold's nickname was Harry.

给他们一个特别的爱称。Give them a special nickname.

他的绰号是“唠叨的人。His nickname is "chatterbox."

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麋鹿能有什么外号?How could elks have a nickname?

您孩提时代的乳名是什么?What was your childhood nickname?

我们经常叫他的绰号。We often call him by his nickname.

请选择一个非空白的暱称。Please choose a non empty nickname.

您好,看到您的高评,甚为好奇?Where does your nickname come from?

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他讨厌被人叫他的小名。He resented being called his nickname.

那么此别名是因何而得呢?So how did the city get this nickname?

你只有叫那孩子的外号,他才答应。The child answers only to its nickname.

视图本身基于一个昵称。The view itself is based on a nickname.

但他的别称是百庆州。But its nickname is the Centennial State.

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管理风格米歇尔曾有个昵称,叫‘j2m’。Messier used to have the nickname ' J2M'.

我们总是叫他的绰号“小懒猫”。We always nickname him “Little Lazy Cat”.

你为什么把这个绰号加在我身上?Why do you fastened such a nickname on me?