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您的国籍是什么?What is your citizenship?

我们是否都拥有双重籍贯?。Do we all hold dual citizenship?

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请别因此取消我的户口。Please don't revoke my citizenship.

他说,他反对黑人拥有公民权利。He said he opposed Negro citizenship.

把你的申请材料归档。File your application for citizenship.

安沃以前申请过美国国籍吗?。Did anwar ever apply for u. s. citizenship?

2000年,德国为公民权开辟了一条新路。In 2000 it opened a pathway to citizenship.

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这也是负责任的全球公民的应尽义务。It is a necessary task of responsible global citizenship.

一个姓名里有雪的人被授予了冰之土地的公民身份?A guy named snow is granted citizenship in the land of Ice?

它更是一所学校,人们在这里修行道德品质。It is a school in which people are trained for citizenship.

没有几个国家允许国民拥有多重国籍。Very few countries allow people to have plural citizenship.

所以,他并没有,雅典公民权的保障。Therefore, he lacked the protection of Athenian citizenship.

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另外,通过衍生或后天取得公民权的父母,或通过个人申请入籍,你也可以成为美国公民。Apply for “derived” or “acquired” citizenship through parents

不同国籍的人常要过一段时间才会为某个国家所同化。But Zimbabwe, unlike Ghana, does not permit dual citizenship.

每发生逃学事件都会影响公民的信用。Each incidence of truancy will impact the citizenship credit.

我可以由血缘恳求进籍澳洲吗?Will I be able to apply for Australian citizenship by descent?

该条款仅适用于通过“授予国籍”方式申请入籍之人士。This applies only to applications for citizenship by conferral.

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我由血缘恳求进籍澳洲时务必身正在澳大利亚吗?Do I need to be in Australia to apply for citizenship by descent?

就让我们为死去的人祈祷下吧。不要在这里嚼舌根了。However, people who has the citizenship in here means he is NZer.

但是作为全球公民的责任仍促使我们同心协力。But the burdens of global citizenship continue to bind us together.