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我对中国食物并不在行。I am not into chine food.

我将于两天后返回中国。I will return to Chine in two days' time.

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其中中国泰和鸡是突出的代表。Chine Taihe Chicken is the famous and typical one.

两个年轻的福尔赛从那条小径埂子上钻出来。Those two young Forsytes emerged from the chine lane.

中国依赖外国石油的日子已一去不返了。Gone are the days when Chine had to depend on foreign oil.

抱歉,中国不花卢比,他们用美元。Sorry, Chine did not spend any Rupees. They spent US Dollars.

中国和印度可以在邻里后院以同样的速度竞争。Chine & India can compete at same pace in neihbourhood backyard.

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在唐人街的时候,有一个骑车人见到我们是新墨西哥的牌照兴奋得大吼。While in Chine town, a bicyclist shouted after saw our New Mexico plate.

多亏美国让中国变得富裕了,中国需要税收突破。Thank to good old USA just keep on made China rich. Chine need taxes break.

刘女士首先给同学们介绍了中国移动通讯的发展情况。Ms Liu first introduced the development circs about Chine mobile communication.

这是中国南方对朱砂根枯萎病的首次报道。This is the first report of wilt disease of Ardisia crenata in the south Chine.

中国军事实力应该被认为是印度的威胁。The military might of Chine should be regarded as a threatening signal to India.

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这位老教授是在1949年回到中国的,当时大陆刚解放。The old professor came back to Chine in 1949 when the mainland had just been liberated.

医药集团规模效益名列全国前茅。The scale and the beneficial result of the medicine group have listed number one in Chine.

推行“三化”建设,确立中国监狱科学的发展观。To carry out "Sanhua" construction is to establish the view of Chine se prison science's development.

本文着重介绍了盐水注射机的安装、安全使用及维护。The installation of injection ma chine and operation and maintain are briefly dis cussed in this article.

机床的重复精度和精度保持性对加工精度有很大影响。Repetitive accuracy and accuracy preservation of the ma- chine tool are critical to the machining accuracy.

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本文介绍了采用国产TP805单板机研制成功的多路石油计量仪。The multichannel measuring oil Unit developed with TP805 microcomputer made in Chine is described in this paper.

以前我只知道枸杞是一种植物,到今天我才知道,原来,枸杞还可以吃呢。I used to only know Chinese wolfberry is a plant, and today I learned, the original, Chinese wolfberry can Chine.

关节式电分相将成为我国高速电气化铁路的首选型式。The articulated neutral section insulator will be preferntial choice in the high-speed electrified railway in chine.