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他开给我一张药方。He gave me a prescription.

我需要按处方抓药。I need to fill a prescription.

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请开药方。Please fill this prescription.

你能给我开药方吗?。Can you give me a prescription?

我给你开点药。I'll give you the prescription.

请按药方帮我抓药好吗?Please show me the Prescription.

医生开了一张方子。The doctor made out a prescription.

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是全方位的护眼处方。Is a comprehensive eye prescription.

沙逊有个与众不同的“处方”。Sasson had a different prescription.

我这就给你开处方。I'm going to give you a prescription.

药剂师照药方配了药。The druggist dispensed a prescription.

但是,这个处方是错误的。Still, the prescription is wrongheaded.

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把这件处方”。’笺’。”拿到药房去。Take this prescription to the pharmacy.

请按这个处方给我拿药好吗?。Will you fill this prescription please?

这是药方。妇科炎症外用药。Here's a prescription for some medicine.

索坦只能通过医生处方获得。SUTENT is available by prescription only.

把这药方拿到配药处去配药。Take this prescription to the chemist 's.

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有没有特别的药方来治疗它?Is there any special prescription with it?

不生百病,不用药方。Not born all ills, without a prescription.

当然,这是你的处方。Certinly. Here is the prescription for you.