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说是分裂大概也不过分。Schism is probably not an overstatement.

巴菲特先生善于精心挑选夸张之词。Mr Buffett is a master of the carefully chosen overstatement.

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你认为对自由的过分强调回引起高犯罪率吗?Do you think the overstatement of freedom will cause high crime rate ?

对于我来说过奖了,事实上我从你的身上学到了许多东西。It’s really an overstatement actually as I’ve got so much to learn from you!

这算得上是一个改进吧,但说是“突破”就言过其实了。This may have been an improvement, but " breakthrough" was an overstatement.

当然我们并不认同那些片面夸大反向收购作用的作法。Of course, we don’t accept the unrealistic overstatement about reverse merger.

第一章探讨了夸张的主要类别及语义要素。Chapter one explores the classification and semantic features of overstatement.

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你这样说一点也不夸张,我只是说了几个重要的节日,还有很多没有提及呢。That's not an overstatement. As I said, these are only the main ones. There are many others.

但是经过一段时间,后者会被一致地修改,这表明任何夸大其实都是在适度的范围内。But over time the latter has consistently been revised up, suggesting that any overstatement is modest.

可以毫不夸张地说学会如何合作在一个人的职业中是至关重要的因素。It is no overstatement to say that learning to cooperate with others is the key factor in one's career.

这样,坏账费用的高估会不合理地低估当年的净利润。In this case, the overstatement of bad debt expense unjustifiably understates the present year's net income.

因此,说元数据集成是随需应变业务的“大脑”一点都不夸张。Therefore, it is not an overstatement to say that metadata integration is the brain of an On Demand Business.

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但是随着时间的推移,全国总量不断上调,表明任何的夸大程度都不大。But over time the national total has consistently been revised up, suggesting that any overstatement is modest.

也许,说这些数据令人兴奋未免有些夸大其辞,但随着我们向前进展,事情会逐渐有趣起来。Perhaps it would be a mild overstatement to say this is exciting stuff, but it will get more interesting as we go.

另一方面,当与竺可桢相比的时候,把汤昕称作大师的说法就显得不合实际了。On the other hand, the claim that Tangxin is a master amounts to an overstatement when it comes to comparison with Chukochen.

这可是个不可思议的大话,我还没有听到或看到哪个主流媒体号召人们投票,他们本该这么干的!That’s an incredible overstatement and I haven’t heard or read the mainstream media calling them out on it-and they damn well should!

因此,分析认为,以往通常采用大气中水汽含量评估人工增雨资源条件的方法,存在着不确切性。Therefore, the analysis shows that the conventional method of using water vapour content in the atmosphere to estimate cloud water resources is very overstatement.

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可以毫不夸张的说,基地组织在巴基斯坦的恐怖活动仍然很活跃,它始终威胁着西方国家,这是我们今天无法根除基地组织的一个重要原因。It is no overstatement to say that Al Qaeda's base in Pakistan is the single most important factor today in the group's resilience and its ability to threaten the West.