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告诉他,飞标,生病。Tell him Swoop sick.

使俺,钢索,看你们,没看飞标。Make me, Grimlock, watch you and not Swoop.

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第一个樵夫看到第一棵树,说,这树真漂亮,恰好是我想要的。With a swoop of his ax, the first tree fell.

俺没错,飞标,不堪一击,大宝宝!"Not my fault Swoop big, weak baby! "he raged.

定下一个洗衣日,然后一举洗好脏衣服。Designate a laundry day and do it all in one swoop.

他的利斧唰地砍向了小树,第三棵树倒下了。With a swoop of his shining ax the third tree fell.

随著他手上闪亮的斧头挥下,第一棵树应声而倒。With a swoop of his shining ax, the first tree fell.

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手起斧落第一棵树就被砍下来。With a swoop of his shining axe, the first tree fell.

手起斧落,第三棵树就被砍下来。With a swoop of his shining axe, the third tree fell.

那些自负的人嘛,总会不由地鸡鸣于鹤群之中。The conceited man, always can't help crowing in a swoop.

小妞们刚开始大学第一年的生活,学长们就乘虚而入。Seniors swoop in as young chicks enter their first year in college.

那个赌徒在一次孤注一掷中把自己的钱、汽车和房子都输光了。The gambler lost his money, his car, and his home at one fell swoop.

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CIT集团依然能够发现一个个人投资者奋勇扑入来营救他们。The company could still find a private investor to swoop in and rescue the firm.

当外星人来袭,开始绑架小镇居民的时候,这三个人被迫联手。All three reluctantly join forces when aliens swoop in and start abducting townspeople.

他流落到外环,开始和为非作歹的飞车党鬼混。He gravitated to the Outer Rim, where he eventually began racing with outlaw swoop gangs.

他经常使用灵活的火箭背包和大幅度改装后的飞梭摩托。Durge often used an agile rocket pack as well as an extensively modified swoop speeder bike.

对节点执行的所有命令都应该通过并行命令或过程自动执行。All commands to nodes should be done in one fell swoop using parallel commands or procedures.

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尤文高层还会在这次会议中讨论转会策略,因为老妇人正准备引进云达不莱梅球星迭戈。Transfer policy will also be discussed as Juve prepare to swoop for Werder Bremen star Diego.

而他的竞争对手,则会蜂拥而入,将他的这些想法完全商业化,当然也从中获利颇丰。Competitors would then swoop in and fully commercialize the idea —and profit the most from it.

一举通过街头市和释放发挥司法作为蝙蝠侠在这个乐高动作冒险。Swoop through GOTHAM CITY and unleash justice playing as BATMAN in this LEGO action adventure.