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你得作好准备,有坏消息相告。Brace yourself for bad news.

盔甲去柱铁片散。Like to the armour's iron brace.

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山中空气将使你振作精神。The mountain air will brace you.

气生根不少于11条。Om, brace root above 11 branches.

他们当时正在转动曲柄钻。They were twirling a brace drill.

振作起来,迎击新的挑战!Brace yourself for a new challenge!

医生告诫他要振奋精神。The doctor cautioned him to brace up.

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中捷牌摇钻连续荣获国家质量金奖。Czech licensing brace for Quality Gold Award.

非美国人也一定要做好失望的准备。Non-Americans must also brace for disappointment.

我认为我们将会面临形势严峻的一年。So I think we brace ourselves a tough year ahead.

眼下,请为新经济系统而精神一振!So for now, brace yourselves for the new Economy!

多用横档加固那些下陷的架子。Brace those sagging shelves with more crosspieces.

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众企业齐应对廉价的“中国制造”时代的结束Companies brace for end of cheap made-in-China era

这为什么以两个,方括号开始呢?Why does it start with square braced square brace?

乔治说,“哎呀,大家精神点,看,他们来了!”Oh blimey , brace yourselves, here they come, look.

我们应该拿出雄健的精神。We should brace up our virile and energetic spirit.

一对驯鹿无拘无束地在室内跑来跑去。A brace of tame deer ran familiarly about the house.

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他上了芭蕾课,还戴了一年的矫正器。He took lessons, and had to wear a hip brace for a year.

对抗金融海啸,您能否转危为机?Are you prepared to brace the escalating financial tsunami?

他给我带来一对野鸡和两对兔子。She bought me a brace of pheasants and two brace of rabbits.