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窜改过去是英社的中心原则。The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc.

属性的可变性是使用控制模型的一个重要特征。Mutability of attributes is an important property of usage control model.

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这种可变性将肿瘤转化能够逃避药物治疗的可移行换影。This mutability turns tumors into shape-shifters capable of evading drug therapies.

按照“社会地位重要论”的主张,就连该理论本身就存在内在可变性。Even on its own terms, the idea that status matters has its own internal mutability.

HBase是建立在Hadoop的之上的,并且具有低延时和数据可变性的设计。Hbase is built on top of Hadoop and is designed for low-latency and data mutability.

成品油“时间价值”的易变性给成品油经销企业的经营活动带来了很大的风险。It brings very heavy risk to the enterprise of oil sell be by the mutability of time value.

而总有些类显然不可能是不变类的,这时也要尽可能的限制它的可变性。There are some class that immutable is impossible, then try to limit the mutability of them.

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另一个测试是针对字符串的一个字符或者一个子串所做的修改。Another test of mutability is to try to modify individual characters or substrings of a string.

就是人啊!雅典人为他个性的多变和他自行改变的天性争论不休。It is man who Asclepius of Athens, arguing from his mutability of character and from his self-transforming nature.

在传统的访问控制模型和策略中虽有可变的特性,但属性的可变性是一个全新的概念。Mutability is a new concept, although its features can be found in traditional access control models and policies.

装置艺术家尹秀珍运用她个人的传记来表现随著物质环境转变而变更的自我身份。Yin Xiuzhen uses her own biography to address the mutability of identity and its relationship to the material environment.

运用使用控制的观点,讨论了使用控制的可变性,定义了临时属性和永久属性两个可变属性。Mutability has been discussed in usage control's point of view, and temporary and persistent attribute have been identified.

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目的研究经口摄入超量焦亚硫酸钠对小鼠睾丸超微结构影响及对精原细胞的致突毒性。Objective To study the mutability of ultra sodium pyrosulfite intake on ultrastructure changes and spermatogonium mice testis.

Point类的可变性使得每一个接受Point作为参数或者要返回一个Point的方法背上了编写文档说明的沉重负担。The mutability of the Point class creates a documentation burden for every method that accepts a Point parameter or returns a Point.

从下游到中游,高耸的建筑与奔流不息的河水相和。From the estuary to the middle reaches, the brittleness of man's constructions is juxtaposed with the mutability of the river's flow.

此外,还有其他一些小问题,比如年份是从1900开始计算的而月份则从0开始,但关键问题还是可变性。There are a number of other minor issues, such as years being indexed from 1900 and months from 0, but the key problem is mutability.

例如,由于大量可变化机制的存在,因此用面向对象的语言编写高性能的、正确的多线程代码会很困难。For example, writing high-performance, correct multithreaded code is difficult in object-oriented languages because of the myriad mutability mechanisms.

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除了流感病毒固有的突变能力,其它因素可通过完全不可了解的方式改变当前疾病模式的严重程度。Apart from the intrinsic mutability of influenza viruses, other factors could alter the severity of current disease patterns, though in completely unknowable ways.

最后,在叙述视角上,冯纳格特通过一三人称变换及对耶酥基督的戏仿来完善这一后现代主义游戏。Finally, in the narrative perspective, Vonnegut perfects the postmodern game through the mutability of the first person and third person and the parody of Jesus Christ.

该定义揭示了科学假说的科学性、假定性、解释说明性、推测预见性、待验证性和易变性特征。That definition is revealing the science, the assumption, the explanation, the prediction, the verification and the mutability of the scientific hypothesis' characters.