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任何激发生命力的东西,任何表达所提到的东西,都属于欲望。Whatever animates, that which any enunciation speaks of, belongs to desire.

他通过重写形式重新写入并重新发明了含义或阐述。His work re-writes, re-invents meaning or enunciation through rewriting forms.

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语言能够传达意义,而对那些肯聆听的人,更是事实的发声。Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.

第三个表达不会是在个人主观性的层次,而是在社会表达。The third articulation cannot be on the order of individual subjectivity but social enunciation.

跨越扩散表达的主体是法律主体的双重人,像是连体婴。The subject of a transcursive enunciation is the damned double of the subject of the law. It is its doublet.

他口气冷酷,尖锐而且专断,嘴唇像机器上的铸模一样一个字一个字地敲。His voice was cold, sharp, and final, his lips stamping the enunciation of each word like the die of a machine.

我们不妨这样说,就是认知的我思,在表达的层次上替而代之,他才得到自己的确定性。Let us say that it is by taking its place at the level of the enunciation that the cogito acquires its certainty.

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系统的实现表明PLC在传统行业技术改造中的作用。The realization enunciation PLC of the system is in the traditional profession technique reformation of function.

其他各类患者则要度过渐渐失去行动能力的一天又一天,逐渐失去行动的能力、正常的面容、清晰的口齿。Patients of other age groups gradually lose their own ability of moving, normal face expression and clear enunciation.

歌唱语言有气息的运用和控制、声音共鸣以及吐字、咬字等方面的讲究。Singing language is particular about studying for breath's control and use, sound vibration, enunciation and the like.

从重复这两句话的声调里,可以辨出惊叹号和疑问号的区别。There was in the enunciation of these words, thus repeated, an accent between an exclamation and an interrogation point.

但是显然地,尼采时悲剧之本质的澄清,是与其思想的内在变化和澄清相对应的。Apparently, Nietzsche enunciates the essence of tragedy in accordance with the inner changes and enunciation of his thoughts.

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就像广播学院如果失去了“方言发音资料”,将无法教出普通话纯正的学生。The students of radio broadcasting institutes couldn't be traind to have sterling enunciation without the material of dialect.

如果说含糊的发音是演讲中最令人讨厌的习惯之一的话,那么使用大量的“填充词”可谓最令人讨厌的习惯,没有之一。If sloppy enunciation is one of the most irritating speech habits, using excessive fillers while you speak is the most irritating speech habit.

越智龙平知道这件事后,向新田攘一表明希望能聘用三津木五郎为他效力。More Zhi Long Ping knows this after the event, hoping to employ three Jin woods toward the new farmland Rang one enunciation five Langs is his effects.

所以必须对语言结构以及其与歌唱发音的关系做一分析。这就是合唱中的咬字与吐词的关键所在。The vital matter of the pronunciation and enunciation in chorus is to analyze the relationship between the structure of the language and the vocalizing of singing.

本文首先阐明课题研究的背景以及研究意义,表明分析城镇居民消费需求结构时的思路。This text clarify the background of topic research first and research meaning, enunciation analysis the town way of thinking for residents to consume need structure.

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这种目标上的差异分明表明中国人注重外形上的美感,而西方人注重内在的实用性。Difference of this kind of target the clear enunciation Chinese pay attention to in shape of pleasant impression, but the western person pay attention to inside of function.

长笛吹奏口形和吐音技法练习是决定长笛声音好听与否的最基本因素。The shape of the mouth when playing flute and the practice of enunciation techniques are the most fundamental factors that decide whether the sound of the flute is beautiful.

我们批评精神分析学,是因为它使用伊底普斯的表达,使病人相信,他们将会产生个人的自我的陈述,最后还会以他们自己之名说出。We are criticizing psychoanalysis for having used Oedipal enunciation to make patients believe they would produce individual, personal statements, and would finally speak in their own name.