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他希望重建铁路使用。He wanted to redevelop it for railroad use.

改造市中心、住宅区、贫民区等。Redevelop a city centre housing estate slum area etc eg.

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府院定调将高雄发展为亚洲地区的空运中心,您赞成吗?。Do you agree Cabinet plan to redevelop Kaohsiung as an Asian aviation center ?

先导向很多不同方向传播,并且周期性地暂停,然后又再传播。The leaders travel in many different directions and periodically pause and redevelop.

完成并再开发成本中心和成本核算控制,并提供成本分析报告。Implement and redevelop Cost center and cost accounting control and provide cost analysis report.

使用流程图先来开发一个模型,然后再把这个模型重新开发为代码,这也是一种浪费。It also seems wasteful to develop a model once in a charting program and then redevelop it later as code.

在当选为市长前,高登是中凤凰城的再生、保存、重建运动的领袖。Before serving in elected office, Gordon was a leader in the movement to revitalize, preserve and redevelop central Phoenix.

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利物浦执行主管伊恩。艾尔透露,利物浦的管理层仍未最终决定到底是建一座新的球场还是翻新安菲尔德。Ian Ayre insists that Liverpool's owners have yet to reach a decision on whether to build a new stadium or redevelop Anfield.

周二,政府放弃了重新开发一条著名街道的计划,保护主义者曾就此集会抗议。On Tuesday, the government backed down from plans to redevelop a high-profile street that conservationists had rallied behind.

如果每当首选的用户接口技术发生了更改就要重新开发应用程序的核心业务逻辑,那么就糟透了。It would be a shame to have to redevelop an application's core business logic every time the preferred user interface technology changes.

星期二,中央城市发展部宣布了今后5年改造685个群落、打造’无贫民窟’德里的计划。On Tuesday, the Union urban development ministry announced its plan to redevelop 685 clusters in the next five years and make Delhi slum-free.

日前香港政府计划重新开发市区中心由旧警署和监狱组成的一个建筑群,这在香港社会再次引发了一场关于历史保护问题的大讨论。Plans to redevelop a sprawling old police and prison complex in the heart of Hong Kong has touched off the latest historical preservation debate.

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持续12年的摄政公园复兴项目开始于2005年,该项目希望能重新规划建设大约69英亩的多功能综合社区。The 12 year Regent Park Revitalization project began in 2005 to redevelop the 69 acre community to be a vibrant mixed-use mixed-income community.

房地产开发专业主要研究如何建造和改建住房、商务楼宇、零售中心和工业用地。Real estate development students prepare for careers in which they will create and redevelop housing. offices. retail centers. and industrial sites.

除了希望延长达格利什的执教时间之外,亨利还表示,俱乐部更倾向于留在安菲尔德并翻修扩建,而非筹备一座全新的球场。As well as retaining Dalglish's services, Henry has suggested the club could opt to stay at Anfield and redevelop the venue rather than move to a new home.

从2002年杰纳西银行建立之日起,它就拥有了控制和开发空置的,废弃的或者拖欠税收的财产。Since its creation in 2002, the Genesee County Land Bank has had the power to take control of and to redevelop vacant, abandoned or tax-delinquent properties.

分析了面向对象技术应用于仿真领域的种种优点,亦即我们选择采用面向对象的方法进行改造的原因。It analyzes the kinds of strongpoint of using object-orient technical in simulation field, which is also the cause of using object-orient technical to redevelop.

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我能够理解大家焦急的心情,但说老实话,同样的情况发生在2001年我们刚刚接手红袜的时候,那个时候我没也并没有马上就决定到底是扩建老球场还是创造一个新的比赛场地。I understand why people draw a link but, frankly, when NESV took over the Red Sox at the end of 2001, we didn't know what to do — build a new facility or redevelop here?

上月,政府提出拆卸中区政府合署西座,将一大片地盘出售给地产商,并重建成为一个办公室和商业大楼。The government has proposed last month to demolish the CGO West Wing, sell a large chunk of the site to developers, and redevelop it into an office and commercial complex.

六月份,当石油部长萨拉特尼就六个油田重新开发的长期合同面向35个国际公司公开招标时,伊拉克发生了争抢这些利润丰厚的石油合同的狂潮。Iraq sparked a scramble for lucrative oil contracts in June, when Shahrastani opened bidding to 35 international companies for long-term contracts to redevelop six oil fields.