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生产带线及管理工作。Production zone lines and supervisory work.

全系统的监管督察途径A Systemwide Approach to Supervisory Oversight

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管理董事会的所有六名成员都是瑞典人。All six members of the supervisory board are Swedish.

四是监察权的独立性和规范性。The independence and specification of supervisory system.

政府将在荷兰国际集团的监事会中获得两个席位。The government will take two seats on ING's supervisory board.

医疗辅助队实施监督控制获得并可以使用的一个AP。AMS exerts supervisory control over access to and the use of an AP.

由此便产生了当代的水电厂计算机监控系统。Thus the modern Supervisory Control System of hydro plant generates.

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我女儿Eliot在建造过程中起监工的作用。My daughter Eliot performed a supervisory role during the construction

因此,需要寻找新的途径来完善内部监督机制。So we have to find new approaches to improve the inside supervisory institution.

莫智和是苏伊士利安水务集团监察董事会的前主席。Mr Monod was formerly Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux.

所有打算竞争管理岗位的员工必须完全依靠自己完成。All employees who move into supervisory positions must figure it out on their own.

前项书表,应送劳工保险监理委员会。The above records shall be submitted to the Labor Insurance Supervisory Commission.

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该行已向目前已从监事会离任的赫尔曼致歉。The bank has apologised to Mr Herr-mann, who is no longer on the supervisory board.

督导议题与督导策略可能影响受督者之晤谈感受。Supervisory issues and supervisory strategies may affect supervisee 's session impact.

对满足城市供气管网所需的无人值守调压阀室进行了讨论。In order to supply gas to citizens, this paper discusses unattended supervisory office.

第四章是对我国财政监督制度变迁的回顾和评价。In the fourth chapter, the author reviews and assesses our financial supervisory system.

1996年兼任某工程塑料厂车队管理工作。In 1996 held a concurrent post of some project plastics plant motorcade supervisory work.

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所以,研究监理公司的质量管理很有意义。Therefore, to study the quality management of supervisory company is of great significance.

同时要健全林业行政执法监督的具体监督制度,实现执法监督的制度保障。The concrete supervisory system is perfected to realize the guarantee system of supervision.

文章介绍了一种应用PLC控制IPSEN加热炉计算机监控系统。This paper introduces the Supervisory Computer Control System of IPSEN Furnace Based on PLC.