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这是一个独特的形态的博阿压缩。This is a distinct morph of boa constrictor.

蟒蛇缠死它的猎物。A boa constrictor squeezes its victims to death.

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在南美洲,活蟒蛇和蟒蛇。In South America, live anaconda and boa constrictor.

仍是一幅大象正在大蟒蛇肚子里消化的画。It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.

不,不,不!我不想要一条肚子里有大象的大蟒蛇!No, no, no! I do not want an elephant inside a boa constrictor.

正如缅甸巨蟒,这种非洲蛇也属于蠎类。Also like the Burmese python, the African snake is a constrictor.

那是一张关于大蟒蛇正在吞食另一个动物的图画。It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal.

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主要的机制是民族关系和谐的大蟒蛇效果增加氧环境。The major mechanism is the constrictor effect of an increased O2 environment.

大蟒蛇很危险,大象又十分的笨重。A boa constrictor is a very dangerous creature, and an elephant is very cumbersome.

阿大蟒结是结合两片绳或两个对象完美的结合起来。A constrictor knot is perfect for binding two pieces of rope or two objects together.

有一次,我画了幅漫画,一条标着‘资本’的大蟒蛇正在吞下一只标着‘劳工’的兔子。Once I did a cartoon of a boa constrictor marked Capital swallowing a rabbit marked Labour.

一名动物控制单位的工作人员在从一女士车里转移一条大蟒蛇的时候,不小心被咬!An animal control officer was bitten by a boa constrictor he was removing from a woman's car.

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颊肌从颊侧及咽上缩肌从舌侧进入其中。Buccinator fibres enter from the buccal, and superior constrictor fibres enter from the lingual.

一次,哈利和他粗俗无礼的表兄达利去参观动物园,达利挥拳向哈利的肋骨处猛击,愤怒的哈利在无意中施法让隔离达利与蟒蛇的玻璃消失了。Unconsciously, an angry Harry makes the glass separating Dudley from a boa constrictor disappear.

为了表扬我午饭吃得好,爸爸带我来到蛇馆看大蟒蛇。As a reward for eating a good lunch, Dad took me to the snake house to see the big boa constrictor.

为了更好地医治它,研制了一种新型的生物反馈式人工括约肌装置。So, we have developed a new type of artificial constrictor with biological feedback to solve this problem.

结果分析表明,压缩室直径对推力器性能具有较大影响。The results show that constrictor diameters have significant influence on operating performance of the thrusters.

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在达力生日的这一天,他们去了动物园,在一个展览巨蟒的地方,玻璃突然消失了,把大家吓坏了。At the zoo on Dudley's birthday, the glass in front of a boa constrictor exhibit disappears, frightening everyone.

在将线像蟒蛇般缠绕在播放器上之前,将耳机拔下来更好。Or better yet, unplug your headphones completely before wrapping them like a boa constrictor around your media player.

当为了庆祝达利的十一岁生日而在那里参观时,哈利发现它可以与大蟒蛇说话。While visiting in celebration of Dudley's eleventh birthday, Harry discovered here that he could talk to the boa constrictor.