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用墨水毁坏木质地板也是如此。The same with damaging wood floors with ink.

如果一个谎言变得根深蒂固,它会变得有害。If a lie becomes entrenched it will be damaging.

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在线八卦即使是信口胡言,也会给人带来很大的伤害。Online gossip can be damaging even if provably false.

超负荷工作能很严重的损害你的健康。Overworking can be seriously damaging to your health.

这些关连可能在政治上给奥巴马以重击。Those contacts could be politically damaging to Obama.

然而这一提议似乎难以实行,欠灵便又有破坏性。But this proposal looks unworkable, clumsy and damaging.

它们可能包含具有破坏性的恶意代码。They may contain malicious code with damaging potential.

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用于制造链接到更少伤害的超级暂停内。This is used to make chaining into supers less damaging.

不断增多的游客损坏了小路。The growing number of visitors is damaging the footpaths.

砷以毒砂形式存在,是最主要有害元素。Arsenic, the most damaging element, occurs in arsenopyrite.

您还是免开尊口吧!所有热空气都会破坏臭氧层。Please shut up! All that hot air is damaging the Ozone Layer.

由于当时我们才八岁,因此,这一拳不至于真正伤害到他,但是也够他好受了。As we were both eight, my blow was sufficient but not damaging.

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造成立法对共济会第二大伤害的是流动法。The next most damaging piece of legislation was the Mobile Law.

这种牙刷可以温和去除牙菌斑而不损伤齿龈。The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums.

内装压力开关以保护泵运转时不受损坏。Install pressure switch inside to prevent the pump from damaging.

干旱是一种较长时间尺度的气候灾害。Drought is a long lasting and the most damaging climatic disaster.

他警告说这将对英国的经济造成极端严重的破坏。He warned that this would be extremely damaging to the UK economy.

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使用古力特炸药将完全可能不造成对围岩的破坏。It is possible to use Gurit without damaging the surrounding rock.

平均成本法可以防范这些毁灭性的非理性行为。Dollar-cost averaging guards against these damaging animal spirits.

他闪过落石,没有伤到车子。或者是。He managed to dodge the falling rocks without damaging his vehicle.