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您为什么需要助学金?Why do you need the Bursary?

海口,大宗祠分发-奖学金。Foo Clan Bursary Awards to family members.

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这可能是某个地方,助学金或奖学金。This might be for a place, a bursary or a scholarship.

申请者不应是其他助学金计划的领受者。Applicants should not be receiving any other bursary schemes.

因此,研究生的奖助制度起着必不可少的作用。So, merit and bursary system for graduate student is essential.

我愿意将我的毕业学袍按金悉数捐赠予「香港公开大学校友奖学基金」。I wish to donate my gown deposit to the OUHK Alumni Scholarship and Bursary Fund.

此项助学金由利国伟博士捐设,每年资助数名学生学习开支。This bursary is donated by dr. quo-wei lee annually to sponsor students academic expenses.

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此奖学金政策将会在SIBT麦考瑞大学市中心校区的所有录取通知书上面被提到。The bursary will be mentioned on all future offer letters for the SIBT, Macquarie City Campus.

所有就读在麦考瑞大学市中心校区SIBT文凭课程的学生都有资格申请奖学金。All students enrolling in Diploma units at SIBT, Macquarie City Campus are eligible for the bursary.

无论你的收入是贷款、父母供给、奖学金或薪水,都要在得到之前明白来源。Whether income is in the form of a loan, parental contribution, bursary or wages know where it's coming from before it arrives.

此外,增长及平衡基金由多于一个投资经理所管理,财务处公布之基金表现乃反映有关投资经理们之综合表现。Furthermore, performance reported by Bursary reflects composite result in Growth and Balance funds where more than one investment managers are involved.

浸大地理系三年级梁少婷和陈建荣同学最近分别获香港房屋协会颁发奖学金和助学金。Two final year Geography students, Leung Siu-ting and Chan Kin-wing, were awarded a scholarship and a bursary , respectively, by the Hong Kong Housing Society.

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对于栽培他的母校,吴教授不忘回馈,为吴廷润夫妇书籍奖、江爱泾捐赠基金、与南大助学金捐赠基金作出馈赠。Prof Goh donates generously to his alma mater. He has given to Mr & Mrs Goh Teng Loon Book Prize, the Kiang Ai Kim Endowment Fund and the NTU Bursary Endowment Fund.

是这样的。安省的要求要住满12个月才可以申请。反正我当年上学申请贷款的时候就是这么要求的。I heard that in Toronto the new immigrants should live there at least 12 months to be eligible to apply student loan and bursary . But I am not sure, anybody can confirm?

之后,本校会将您的按金悉数拨入「校友奖学基金」,而不会发还按金到您的银行户口。Instead of crediting your bank account for the refund of the gown deposit, the full amount of the deposit will be transferred directly to the OUHK Alumni Scholarship and Bursary Fund.

由渣打银行基金捐助的助学金计划,也让100多名缺乏照顾的少女有机会在未来3年内参与为期18天的课程。The bursary scheme donated by the Standard Chartered Foundation has given more than 100 disadvantaged young girls the opportunity to come on the 18-day courses in the next three years.

另外,我国现行的研究生奖助体系使研究生科研具有功利化倾向,不利于创新型人才的培养。What's more, our active merit and bursary system result in material gain tendency in scientific research of graduate students, that is a disadvantage to foster innovative person with ability.

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因此,我们鼓励申请者于春季及秋季申请期限前数月前申请丽江助学金以支付学费。Need-based aid is generally limited late in the school budget season, thus, applicants are encouraged to defray the costs by applying for a Yeogang bursary months before the spring and fall deadlines.