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那些精灵剜去了我的眼睛。The Elves took my eye.

血精灵与海妖联盟。The Blood elves ally with the Naga.

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一看到村子里出现了二个伪军。A see the village appeared two the elves.

伊丽莎白有十一矮子在她的榆木树。Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree.

可产鬼灵也产精灵。Can produce ghost spirit also produce elves.

在他的玩具店里,有许多小精灵帮忙做玩具。There are many elves who help in his toyshop.

有时候需要给找托辞。Sometimes we need to provide ours elves alibis.

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精灵又取出一束黄澄澄的稻谷。The elves and remove a bunch of glistening rice.

苗香儿杀死看守后门的两个伪军。Two the elves Miaoxiang son kill the guards back.

海精灵的六分仪有什么效用?What can you use the Sextant of the Sea Elves for?

我猜你已经听说精灵离开奎灵那斯提了。I guess you heard the elves are leaving Qualinesti.

最后,深邃的萨舍拉斯是海精灵之神。Finally, Deep Sashelas is the deity of the sea elves.

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那是辛多雷消逝的生命无声无息的呐喊!That is the life of Blood Elves disappear silent cry!

银月城的高精灵被洛伦丹的部队在塔林米尔救出。The Elves are rescued by Lordaeron forces at Tarren Mill.

一种怪病感染了掌握奥术的精灵。A strange malady infects elves who can cast arcane spells.

即使是那些投靠邪恶的精灵也很少会信仰罗丝。Even those elves who drift toward evil rarely turn to Lolth.

血精灵与海妖通过德拉诺的时空门逃跑。The Blood Elves and Naga flee through the portal to Draenor.

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埃尔达精灵并非生来就知晓这一问题的答案。The answer to this question the Elves did not know by nature.

银月城的高精灵在奥特兰克平原被伏击。The Elves of Silvermoon are ambushed on the plains of Alterac.

唯一对我们友善的精灵是木精灵们。The only elves who are actually decent to us are the Feir'Dal.