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棕煌蜂鸟悬停时引发的尾流。ON THE WING The wake of a hovering rufous hummingbird, top.

它在全株各部分较小和红棕色的粗糙的绒毛层的方面不同。It differs in the smaller size of all parts and rufous scabrous tomentum.

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红褐色和白色相间的一对鹪鹩齐声歌唱是为了找到对方。Pairs of rufous -and-white wrens sing in concert to keep track of each other.

许多个体体上很确定是赤褐色的,体下是黄色,很少有对比。Many birds are solid rufous above and sullied yellow below, with little contrast anywhere.

然而棕煌蜂鸟才是迁徙距离最远的蜂鸟。从墨西哥到阿拉斯加再返回,总共长达5000英里。But the Rufous Hummingbird migrates the longest distance, from Mexico to Alaska and back, totaling 5,000 miles.

棕煌蜂鸟悬停时引发的尾流。黄色的矢量位点是通过粒子图像测速技术显现的气流速度。The wake of a hovering rufous hummingbird. Yellow vectors show air velocity, revealed by particle image velocimetry.

这是红颈滨鹬的亚成体,肩部的羽毛有些红褐色的缘饰,不可能是青脚滨鹬。It should be a juvenile Red-necked Stint. Some scapular feathers show rufous fringe that could not fit to Temminck's Stint.

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翼上初级飞羽呈现灰白色,翼前缘经常为淡棕色或黄棕色,比飞羽的深灰色要浅。Upperwing has pale greyish-white primary bases and often pale rufous or yellowish-brown forewing, paler than dark grey flight-feathers.

患者男,48岁。因双手、足背和双下肢多发性淡红色角化性小丘疹18年就诊。A 48-year-old man presented with the 18-year history of multiple, rufous and small papules on the back of hands and upper and lower legs.

近鸟龙的羽毛在结构上与飞羽近乎完全一致,但它们是对称的,并不像飞羽那样是非对称性的。On its head it wore a gaudy rufous crown. In structure, Anchiornis's plumes were nearly identical to flight feathers, except that they were symmetrical rather than asymmetrical.

近鸟龙生活在1.5亿年前,体型与小鸡相仿,其前肢羽毛黑白相间,形成了闪亮的图案效果,头部还有一块艳丽的红褐色顶冠。The size of a chicken, it had arm feathers with black-and-white portions, creating the spangled pattern you might see on a prize rooster at a county fair. On its head it wore a gaudy rufous crown.