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对影响超滤的因素进行了论述。The factors affecting ultrafiltration were also summarized.

超滤是用于水处理的一种新型膜技术。Ultrafiltration is a new membrane process used in water treatment.

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本文介绍了聚砜毛细管超滤膜对白酒的催陈作用。The ultrafiltration of wine can catalyze rude wine into mellow wine.

本研究采用ANDEUF-01超滤中试机对茶叶提取液进行精制。The extraction liquor was refined by ANDEUF-01 ultrafiltration pilot unit.

采用新型的反胶团法制备了氧化钛超滤膜。Reversed micelle method was used to prepare titania ultrafiltration membranes.

报导用超滤法浓缩胎盘萃取液的试验研究。The condensation of extractive liquid of placenta by ultrafiltration is studied.

实验中采用膜超滤法和透析法做了裂解剂去除的比较研究。The effect of removal split agent were compared by ultrafiltration and dialysis.

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通过超滤实验对所得膜的性能进行了评价。The performances of these membranes were assessed in ultrafiltration experiment.

并指出目前超滤膜在水处理中应用存在的问题和今后研究的方向。The problem and trends of ultrafiltration membrane to water treatment was pointed out.

本文应用超滤及荧光偏振免疫分析法检测游离地高辛浓度。The ultrafiltration with FPIA was used to determine the concentration of free digoxin.

结果表明,超滤技术可用于复方中药口服液精制。Conclu sion The new ultrafiltration equipment showed satisfactory results after years of trials.

纳滤技术是一种介于超滤和反渗透之间的新型分离技术。Nanofiltration is a new separation technique located between reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration.

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超滤是一种很好的分离纯化山麦冬多糖的方法。Ultrafiltration is a good method for the isolation and purification of Radix Liriopes Polysaccharide.

超滤白酒的透明度,口味物优于未超滤的酒。The color, odor and taste of the ultrafiltration low grade wine are better than that of the uncleared.

目的探讨超滤在瓣膜置换术患者体外循环中应用的效果。AIM To investigate the effect of ultrafiltration in cardiopulmonary bypass in valve replacement patients.

菲欧特拥有国内一流的超滤膜丝生产线和净水机生产线。Fei Oute ultrafiltration membrane has a first-class production line wire production line and water purifier.

采用水提-超滤法分离提纯无患子皂苷。The combination of water-extraction and ultrafiltration was adopted to separate and purify supindus-saponin.

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可是,这些膜不能承受高压。所以只能用在超滤上。However, these membranes do not withstand high pressures and are used almost exclusively for ultrafiltration.

因此,SFP超滤膜可以在高浊度海水为进水的情况下作为海水反渗透系统的预处理。So it is feasible to use the SFP ultrafiltration membrane as pretreatment of seawater reverse osmosis system.

本文对超滤法和水醇法制备参麦注射液的工艺进行了比较。The preparation procedures of Shenmai injection between ultrafiltration and water-alcohol method were compared.