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很多真菌具有不完全隔膜。Many fungi have incomplete septa.

莫勒修女在太后右边上前一步。Septa Moelle moved up on the queen's right.

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“不如你的罪行肮脏,”莫勒修女说。"Not so filthy as your sins, " said Septa Moelle.

隔膜的胶原和真皮的胶原相延续。The collagen in the septa is continuous with the collagen in the dermis.

小叶内间质及小叶间隔增厚30例。Thickening of interlobular and intralobular septa was revealed in 30 cases.

在注射对比剂后,仅有肿瘤边缘及中隔有增强之显影。After contrast injection, the tumor had intensive border and septa enhancement.

菌丝体具横隔,无纵隔,较为密集。Mycelium has transverse septa but has no mediastinums, and is relatively dense.

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方法17例心脏黏液瘤均行手术切除,然后行心房修补术。Methods 17 cases with cardiac myxomas were resected and atrial septa were repaired.

增厚的小叶间隔常平滑,但有时可呈结节状。The thickened septa are most often smooth, but septal nodules may sometimes be seen.

囊性肾细胞癌的癌细胞内为透明的胞浆,细胞核小而深染。The tumor cells lining the septa hae clear cytoplasm and small hyperchromatic nuclei.

杨恩德里在他检查缆绳时总时不时偷看一眼莱莫尔修女。Yandry stole a glance at Septa Lemore from time to time as he was checking the lines.

两层面均显示双肺小叶间隔平滑的增厚。Both scans show smooth thickening of interlobular septa involving both lungs symmetrically.

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“不太远了,”乌尼亚修女说,“看见了吗?”她指着,“爬上那座山,就完成了。”"It is not much farther, " said Septa Unella. "See?" She pointed. "Up the hill, that's all. "

隔膜阀的关闭与开启是通过来自管路的压力作用于增强橡胶隔膜实现的。The open and close of septa velum Clique is by the pipeline pressure on the septa velum Clique.

“我们参照天父和圣母自己的面貌是血肉所制,”莱莫尔修女说。"We are made of blood and bone, in the image of the Father and the Mother, " said Septa Lemore.

“你逗人发笑真有一手,”莱莫尔修女在提利昂晾干脚趾的时候告诉他。"You have a gift for making men smile, " Septa Lemore told Tyrion as he was drying off his toes.

由于肺架构保存,间隔增厚的小叶轮廓仍保持正常。Because lung architecture is preserved, lobules outlined by thick septa have a normal appearance.

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最普遍的是板框式过滤机,有可填充的、金属隔片的和凹显空间滤饼的。The most common, the plate-and-frame press, contains caulked , metal septa and a recessed cake space.

多房性肾细胞癌的囊内有透明细胞的聚集,其间有分隔。Multilocular renal cell carcinoma has aggregates of clear cells within the septa dividing cystic spaces.

其他少见征象包括钙化、分隔、黏液性团块、胸腔积液、输尿管扩张等。Other findings included calcification, septa , mucinous masses, pleural effusion, and ureteral dilation.