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因此,插入美国开始与美国的手段。So, caret US means start with US.

我们还推出了插入符号和美元。We also introduced the caret and the dollar.

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脱字符号将匹配字符串的开头。The caret matches the beginning of the string.

在当前插入符号位置插入一条分隔线。Inserts a line break at the current caret position.

到现在为止,我不能移动插入到案底。Until now, I can't move the caret to the end fo the text.

将控件的内容滚动到当前插入符号位置。Scrolls the contents of the control to the current caret position.

将插入符号移动到定位点处,取消当前所选内容。Cancels the current selection moving the caret to the anchor point.

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将插入符号移动到文档开始,扩展所选内容。Moves the caret to the start of the document, extending the selection.

为此,我们再次使用插入符号作为类的第一个字符。To do this we again use the caret as the first character of the class.

为系统插字符创建一个新的形状并获得它的所有权。Creates a new shape for the system caret and gets ownership of the caret.

为系统插入字符创建一个新的形状,并声明对插入字符的所有权。Creates a new shape for the system caret and claims ownership of the caret.

请注意,脱字符号前面加了一个反斜杠从而成为“转义”字符。Note that the caret becomes "escaped" by placing a backslash in front of it.

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输入方括号插入零九个破折号将排除所有号码匹配。Typing square bracket caret zero dash nine will exclude all numbers from matching.

在字符串或宏中,位于行尾的插入符号插入换行符。A caret at the end of a line inserts a literal newline character in a string or macro.

查找当前选定文本的上一匹配项或者插入符号处的单词。Finds the previous occurrence of the currently selected text, or the word at the caret.

将插入符号移动到本行的第一个非空白字符处,扩展选定范围。Move the caret to first non- white space character on the line, extending the selection.

将插入符号移动到本行的第一个非空格字符处,扩展所选内容。Moves the caret to first non-white space character on the line, extending the selection.

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我使用化名艾萨克,过去80年代在被称为CARET计划中工作过。I'm using the alias Isaac, and used to work in what was called the CARET program in the 80's.

我不想为不可编辑的文本可见的插入,所以这是一个合理的事情,似乎。I don't want a visible caret for uneditable text, so this seemed like a reasonable thing to do.

使用窗口边框的宽度和高度以确保插字符在高分辨率显示中能够看得见。Using the window-border width or height ensures that the caret will be visible on a high-resolution display.