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我是否曾经因所得的恩赐而自夸、自大?Have I boasted and been prideful for my gifts?

无论我们多么努力要否认,我们都是骄傲的人。As much as we try to deny it, we are prideful people.

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我是闪闪发光的,同时也是戏剧化的和高傲的。I can be shiny and I can also be dramatic and prideful.

他们凭什么世世代代保持了自己的尊严和兴旺呢?What’s kept them prideful and strong all these generations?

我是一个自傲的人,这限制了我作为战士的发展前途。I was a prideful man, which limited my advancement as a soldier.

父亲是个高傲、自负的人,从来不会服输。My father is a prideful , high self-esteemman who never admit defeat.

正如我前面说过的,脱下骄傲包括承认你是骄傲的。As I said before, putting pride off involves admitting you are prideful.

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不要将变得高傲作为上帝宽恕你的回报。If that happens don't become too prideful to return to God for forgiveness.

今天的美国已经和那个冷酷、骄傲而偏执的时代相去甚远了。America today is a world away from the cruel and prideful bigotry of that time.

不要为了骄傲使用力量,因为这样会使现代巫术和魔法的奥秘贬值。Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and Magick.

结果将成为全球大动乱,而克里斯蒂娜是太自负和太心野,不愿接受这个可能性。It'll be a global apocalypse, and Christina's just too prideful and unstable to accept that.

高傲的孤独,也需要温暖的理解和抚慰,没有灵魂愿意长久孤独。The prideful solitude also needs warm understanding and solace, and no soul prefers long solitude.

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傲岸的猫就像无头苍蝇同样四下里寻找但一无所得,最后只好灰蒙蒙地走了。The prideful cat hunted around like a chicken with its head cut off in vain and finally left in dismay.

拒绝将荣耀归给神是骄傲悖逆,也就是这个罪致使撒但以及我们跌倒殒落在罪中。Refusing to bring glory to God is prideful rebellion, and it is the sin that caused Satan's fall-and ours, too.

姑娘,无论你嫁给谁,这都没有关系,只要他跟你情投意合,是上等人,又是个有自尊心的南方人就行。It doesn’t matter who you marry, as long as he thinks like you and is a gentleman and a Southerner and prideful.

高傲的孤独,也需要温暖的理解和抚慰,没有灵魂愿意长久孤独。The warm understanding and solace are needed for prideful solitude, and no soul is willing to suffer long solitude.

这会形成一个骄傲自满的自我。此时人们谁也不会对你那些最理智的解决方法感兴趣。But that builds a prideful ego so full of itself that no one is remotely interested in the most sensible of solutions.

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恋更悲哀,说着违背自己意愿的话语,脸上还要呈现骄傲的笑容。Yan was more sorrowful because she must say something against her own willings with a prideful smile presented on her face.

在真正的风俗传统中,魔鬼只会蜷缩在火炉的后面偷听Pakhom的豪言壮语。In true folkloric tradition, the devil just so happens to be crouched behind the stove, and overhears Pakhom’s prideful statement.

现在,不让我们当中任何的部分由高傲的正当眼光去扰乱其他的部分或给我们的邻居带来麻烦。Now let none of us in any section look with prideful righteousness on the troubles in another section, or the problems of our neighbors.