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他的脸憔悴,温和,眉毛很浓。He had a bony gentle face with bushy eyebrows.

在很短的,浓密的灌木丰富的深红色玫瑰花。Rich crimson rosettes on a short, bushy shrub.

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小型或丛生性的悬垂或多芽的标准型。Small or bushy trailer or multi- crowned standard.

他留着浓密的大胡子,还有那麽一点传奇色彩。He had this big bushy beard and was a bit of a legend.

但是它们都有一个共同点,一只毛茸茸的大尾巴。But they all have one thing in common, a big bushy tail.

他长着一大把茂密的胡子,把大部分脸都遮住了。He had a long bushy beard, which covered most of his face.

雪白的身体毛茸茸的,缩起来像是一个小雪球。Their white, bushy bodies are cute, look like a tiny snowball.

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莱特布赖那浓密的眉毛挑起了一点点。Mr. Letterblair's bushy eyebrows went up a fraction of an inch.

叶子有时候很厚。多个顶芽的标准型或丛生的悬垂型。Leaves sometimes thick. Multi-crowned standard or Bushy trailer.

这说的都是地松鼠,所以它们的尾巴不会那么多毛。These are ground squirrels so their tails aren’t quite so bushy.

现在那一双在浓重的灰眉毛下面的眼睛又发出了那种诡秘的表情。Now the eyes under their bushy gray brows had that sly look again.

她拨去一些眉毛,以便她的眉毛显得不太浓密。She plucked away some from her eyebrows to make her brows less bushy.

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大胡子主任躺得很别扭,被沙子半埋住身子,茂密的黑连鬓胡子里嵌满了沙粒。Half of Bcardy's body was buried, his thick bushy beard filled with sand.

小明长得浓眉大眼,真是个精神的小帅哥。Xiao Ming has big eyes and bushy brows, he is really a handsome young man.

它的绿色浓郁而明亮,非常合适放在隔间的空角落里。It's bushy and bright green, and a perfect match for an empty cubicle corner.

与大使一样,博帕尔也是头缠黑色头巾,并蓄着浓密的络腮胡。Like the ambassador, Popal wore a black turban, and he had a huge bushy beard.

你毛茸茸的毛真舒服,并还很温暖,你安稳的睡著了。The bushy hair you really uncomfortable and very warm, you secure fell asleep.

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他的头像精金,他的头发如棕树枝厚密,像乌鸦那么黑。His head is as the most fine gold , his locks are bushy , and black as a raven.

仁的父亲是个身材高大的人,长着浓密的眉毛和粗乱的头发。Hitoshi's father had been a giant of a man with bushy eyebrows and shaggy hair.

上个月,帕丁森想用灌木一般的胡子乔装隐姓在洛杉矶中。Pattinson tried to go incognito with this bushy beard last month in Los Angeles.