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找寻自我控制、管理之道。Seek the path of self mastery.

龙骑士增加了矛术掌握。Wyrmslayer now grants Spear Mastery.

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她精通数门语言。She has mastery of several languages.

会导致精通优势曲线变浅,精通带来的优势太少。Will cause the mastery curve to become shallow.

我们的学生是否会使用精熟学习技术?。Can our students use mastery learning techniques?

任何真正的技术都要花费一辈子才能练成。Any mastery of a true skill takes a lifelong time.

你须谨记任何技术技能的掌握都是需要时间的。Remember that mastery of any art or skill takes time.

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学好一种语言。必须下苦功。The mastery of a language requires painstaking effort.

这些阶段描绘了从学习到掌握的途径。These stages describe a path from learning to mastery.

机关术士将魔法的掌握视为一种技术性的能力。Artificers treat mastery of magic like a technical skill.

该集团结合掌握技术与音乐。The group combines mastery of technology with musicianship.

书法尤绝一时,为世所重。Weng was particularly renowned for his mastery of calligraphy.

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对大多数人来说,中年是自主独立的时期。For most people, midlife is a time of independence and mastery.

掌握就是掌握,它是一个内在和生物性的改变。Mastery is mastery , and it is an internal and biological shift.

精神和情绪的次元掌控评估及开发'l董事会Spiritual &Emotional Mastery Dimensional Assessment &Dev'l Board

这个「戒」才能真的永远守持。We must have this level of mastery to forever uphold the precepts.

只有通过掌握自己,才能使自己得到解放。-----S。E。莫里森。Man can only be free through mastery of himself. -----S. E. Morison.

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这种怀疑并没有妨碍中国宣称已把云朵握在手中。Such doubts have not stopped China claiming mastery over the clouds.

用来评定在课程结束后,学习者对知识的掌握程度。Posttests assess a learner's mastery of content at course completion.

精通招唤骷髅的研发时间从45秒缩减为30秒。Skeletal Mastery research time reduced to 30 seconds from 45 seconds.