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你可以在自动柜员机上修改密码。You can change your PIN at the BTM.

您的信用卡是被BTM机吞了吗?Is your credit card swallowed by BTM?

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您可以用信用卡直接从BTM机中提出取患上现金。You could withdraw cash from BTM with your credit card.

探索并改进体外牛眼小梁细胞的培养方法。To improve the cell culture method of BTM cells in vitro.

研究BDNF对体外培养的牛眼小梁细胞的影响。To study the effects of BDNF on cultured BTM cells in vitro.

研究压力对体外培养的牛眼小梁细胞的影响。To study the effects of pressures on cultured BTM cells in vitro.

他们必须准备点东西给我们看看,东京三菱银行的一位发言人说。They must have something ready to present to us, said a spokesman for BTM.

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雪山隧道是四稜沙岩地形,BTM机械都难以开凿。Is the sand-stone terrain, the BTM machinery all with difficulty opens cutting.

研究BDNF对体外培养的加压条件下的牛眼小梁细胞的影响。To study the effects of BDNF on cultured BTM cells under different pressures in vitro.

您从BTM机中取出的本地钱币是按当日汇率兑现的。The local currency you withdraw from BTM is cashed in at the exchange rate of the day you withdraw it.

根据对1132名患者基线水平和随访1年后测定的I型前胶原氨基端前肽的值,我们评定了骨转换标记物的变化与骨折的关系。The association between changes in BTM and fracture incidence was assessed in 1132 patients who had PINP measurements at baseline and 1 year.

指出基于PCM的热管理方法是开发结构紧凑的高性能锂离子动力电池系统的重要发展方向,值得引起更多的关注。It points out that application of PCM based BTM for high performance battery such as lithium ion power battery will become an important trend in the future and is worth being paid more attention.