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氖、氩、和氪用于照明。Neon, argon, and krypton are used in lighting.

电影以超人寻找氪星人失败开场。The movie begins with Superman’s failed search for Krypton.

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氙和氪不能在人体内停留所以对人体影响很小。Xenon and krypton are not retained by the body so they have little effect.

我们相信每个人都可以像来氪星人超人那样强大无比。We believe everyone has the powers of Superman, the guy from the Planet Krypton.

氖、氩、氪都能够通过分馏液态空气获得。K. Neon, argon, and krypton are obtained from fractional distillation of liquid air.

当它们被密封之后,就向其中注入氪气和氩气。After they are sealed up, krypton and argon gasses are pumped into the space in between.

实验结果表明,锥虫蓝染料与氪激光器的结合使用是最成功的结合使用之一。One of the most successful combinations was trypan blue dye used with a krypton a laser.

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因为氙的有效荷电荷较低,所以氙比氪容易被氧化。Because of its lower effective nuclear charge, xenon is more easily oxidized than krypton.

用于氩和氪激光管防护窗组合件的封装玻璃料里的铅的氧化物。Lead oxide in seal frit used for making window assemblies for Argon and Krypton laser tubes.

环境在克拉克飞回到克的超人电影提醒了我最后的景色。The surroundings reminded me of the final scene in the Superman movie where Clark flys back to Krypton.

目的通过氪激光光凝青紫兰兔,建立动物视网膜激光损伤模型。Objective To evaluate the feasibility of krypton laser-induced laser injury model in the pigmented rabbits.

据卡拉在第七季以她名字命名的一集中说的,氪星距离地球有23个星系远。According gto Kara in the season 7 episode named after her, Krypton was located 23 galaxies away from Earth.

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氪气有几个稳定的同位素,并带来相关的大量的可以用于剖析大气来源的数据。Krypton has several stable isotopes, the relative abundances of which can be used to parse the gas's source.

目的分析对比氩激光和氪激光治疗糖尿病性黄斑水肿的疗效。Objective Compare the results of argon and krypton laser photocoagulation in treatment of diabetic macular edema.

结论氪红激光温热疗法是一种可被临床选用的且行之有效的黄斑部CNV治疗方法。Conclusion Krypton red laser transpupillary thermotherapy is one of the effective therapies for CNV at macular region.

而超人呢,他刚回到地球,之前他花了5年时间去寻找他失落的故园——氪星。Superman, you see, has just returned to Earth after a five-year absence spent searching for his lost homeworld, Krypton.

本文讨论了氪离子激光器中紫色激光作用的工作原理,放电管的结构设计。The operation theory of violet lasing in krypton ion laser and the construction design of the plasma tube are discussed.

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第一次实现七彩激光的是离子激光器,它通过在氩或氪中的高压放电产生激光。The first to emit the rest of the rainbow were ion lasers, made by passing a high-voltage discharge through argon or krypton.

实验数据表明,活性炭吸附氪的透过时间计算方法是正确的。Experimental data show that method for calculating break-through time during the adsorption of krypton on charcoal is correct.

他的博士论文专门探讨关于惰性气体氙与氪的地球化学、地质年代学以及核化学。His doctoral thesis was devoted to the geochemistry, geochronology and nuclear chemistry of the noble gases xenon and krypton.