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水的沸点是依其气压而定的。Water's boiling point is dependant on its pressure.

文件系统路径通常依赖于操作系统。Often, file system paths are operating system dependant.

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如前所述,缓存也依赖于上下文。As mentioned earlier, the cache is also context dependant.

这会破坏依赖于公私密钥对的脚本。This will break scripts dependant on the private-public key pair.

该组织依赖于一个主要的竞争优势,即零售咖啡。The organization is dependant on amain competitive advantage, the retail of coffee.

未觉醒的人只知道欢乐或痛苦,取决于所发生的事情。The unawakened one knows only pleasure or pain, dependant on all that is happening.

这一环境用作新版本的相关软件的最初测试基础。This environment is used as an initial test bed for new releases of dependant software.

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温度独立PID控制,更好适合各种材质包膜。Dependant temperature PID controlling suitable for various materials of packaging membrane.

蘑菇头的生成与否及尺寸主要取决于气体的冷却能力。The formation and the size of mushroom are dependant upon the cooling capacity of blowing gas.

它们既是劳动者又是剥削者,既是建设者又是依附者。This class is both a labour and an exploiter, at the same time, both a builder and a dependant.

其核心是在依赖心理驱动下生成路权与债权交换的主导思想。Driven by dependant psyche their guiding thoughts became exchanging railway right for debt right.

如果您选择该选项,确保安装了必要应用程序的正确版本。If you choose this option, be sure that you have the correct version of the dependant applications.

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绑定器没有名字,它们的生命期依赖于所紧密连接的交换器和队列。Bindings have no names and are dependant on the lifecycle of the exchange and queue they tie together.

灵敏度分析应用到密度制约和非密度制约种群系统。Sensitivity analysis has been applied to both of density dependant and density independant population system.

保罗安德森所写的短篇故事“山姆大厅”中描述一个严重依靠监视的反乌托邦的颠覆。Poul anderson's short story "sam hall" depicts the subversion of a dystopia heavily dependant on surveil lance.

移动的房子不但能行走在现有的道路设施上,还能在其他任何的地面上行走。WALKING HOUSE is not dependant on existing infrastructure like roads, but moves on all sorts of terrain."Technical

尽管中国世界第二大出口国,但中国不像某些国家那样依赖海外。Although China is the world's second largest exporter, the country is not as dependant upon overseas trade as some.

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动态压力是一个功能的速度和空气密度,而这又是取决于海拔高度和温度。Dynamic pressure is a function of velocity and air density, which in turn is dependant upon altitude and temperature.

重新滚动和重新熔炼厂,大部分都再次成为Gaddani供应船断路器的依赖。Most of the re-rolling and re-melting mills have once again become dependant on the Gaddani ship breakers for supplies.

在语言学角度,很明显过程性的句子,不能依靠一个语法上的主语。So, on the linguistical level it's clear that process sentences cannot be made dependant on a surface grammatical subject.