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他们是要羞辱我们。They want to humiliate us.

他们的目的是羞辱我们。Their goal is to humiliate us.

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你怎么想方设法要我当众出丑的?How you tried to publicly humiliate me?

你不应该在公共场合出她的丑。You should not humiliate her in public.

总之一有机会,她都会百般地羞辱我。She never missed an opportunity to humiliate me.

我能去上班顺便自讨没趣了吗?Can I please go to work and humiliate myself now?

“你想羞辱你自己,”我爸爸说。“You’re determined to humiliate yourself, ” my father says.

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绝不贬低他人,轻视或侮辱他人。Never abases or debases others, belittle or humiliate others.

要知道如果你让一个人出丑了,将会产生涟漪效应。Note that if you humiliate one person it has a ripple effect.

与此同时,搭档恩英还要忍受被其他前辈羞辱。Meanwhile, partner favour flower bear even by other elder humiliate.

不要侮辱宗教,通过比较它们谁高谁低。Not to humiliate religions by comparing them as superior or inferior.

耶稣就曾使人感到如此的难受,如此的羞愧,以至他们把他钉在了十字架上。Jesus made some peoplefeel so hurt, so humiliate that they crucified him.

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还有,泽宇哥你可不能欺负人家小诗。Still have, Ze elder brother Yu can not humiliate somebody else small poem.

如果男人穿女式高跟鞋,他们会觉得很冏很丢脸。If a men wear a high shoes like women, he will feel embarrassing and humiliate.

美国没有理由羞辱我们的前敌手和目前的朋友。There is no reason for the US to humiliate our former enemies and present friends.

老师更是声称学生利用网站羞辱学校教员,并以此敦促网站采取行动。Teachers have also demanded action, claiming pupils use the site to humiliate staff.

使立本如千里之达,其谁能以画师辱之。This legislation such as the thousands of miles of, the artist who can to humiliate.

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而这个人不会逼你去杀人,也不会不留情面地羞辱你。Someone who doesn't drive you to commit murder or doesn't humiliate you beyond repair.

同样的耻辱刑,对不同的人来说,可能意味着轻罪重罚或重罪轻罚。The same humiliate punishment may means to be too severe or too light to different men.

还好没有欺负到这小子头上,不然,我也会死无全尸。O. K. didn't humiliate this, otherwise, I will likewise dead to have no whole corpseses.