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画画他很拿手。He's good at drawing.

我喜欢画虎。I like drawing tigers.

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她在图上上墨。She inked in a drawing.

圣诞节临近了。Christmas is drawing near.

从画圆开始。Start by drawing the circle.

就像用书法替代绘画。Calligraphy replaces drawing.

设计了拉深模具。The drawing die was designed.

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道路标示作図装置。A road surface drawing device.

这是那张画的复制品。Here is a copy of the drawing.

看看我的画功吧!Just look at my drawing skill!

克莱尔又专注于画她的画了。Clare goes back to her drawing.

支持反锯齿绘图。Supports anti-aliasing drawing.

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这场比赛吸引着大批观众。The game is drawing big crowds.

他在认真地画一匹马。He is drawing a horse carefully.

小本被送去参加一个绘画冬令营。Little Ben goes to Drawing Camp.

画家用水彩绘画。The child was drawing a picture.

我画板上正在做的设计。What's on the drawing board now.

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你正在起草文件吗?Are you drawing up the documents?

他的爱好是画漫画。His is hobby is drawing cartoons.

马良很喜欢画画。Ma Liang liked drawing very much.