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小肠肠套叠需做肠切除术。Small bowel intussusception may require resection.

小肠肠套叠需做肠切除术。Small bowel intussusception may require resection.

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于是,研究人员继续探究疫苗接种与肠套叠的关系。Researchers continued to study the link between vaccination and intussusception.

慢性肠套疉是指肠套叠持续存在超过14天。Chronic intussusception is defined as intussusception lasting for 14 days or more.

结论空气灌肠是诊断与治疗小儿肠套叠的最好方法。Conclusion Air enema is the best methods in treat and diagnose infant intussusception.

目的探讨小儿肠套叠的超声诊断及治疗。Objective To approach ultrasonic diagnosis and treatment of children's intussusception.

目的探讨肠套叠的发病机制及诊断和治疗方法。Objective To investigate the pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of adult intussusception.

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研究结果表明,CT诊断肠套叠是一种可靠的检查手段。The results showed that CT is a responsible method of examination for adult intussusception.

经钡灌肠术X光摄影证明肠套叠并复原之一例。He had clinical and X-ray evidences of intussusception which were relieved by a barium enema.

方法对302例婴幼儿肠套叠患儿进行高频超声检查。Methods A total of 302 cases with infant intussusception underwent high frequency ultrasound.

脉冲气压是提高空气灌肠整复小儿肠套叠成功率的关键。Pulse air is the key in rising the success ratio of air enema taxis for child Intussusception.

目的探讨山莨菪碱在小儿肠套叠空气整复中的作用。Objective To evaluate the effect of anisodamine in the air reduction for child intussusception.

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本篇病例报告,是一个45岁女性,由于大肠癌导致肠套叠的案例。We report a 45-year-old woman with a colonic adenocarcinoma that induced ileocecal intussusception.

结论高频超声显像诊断小儿肠套叠完全,诊断符合率高。Conclusion This method is safe and its accord rate is high for diagnosing children's intussusception.

目的分析空气灌肠治疗小儿肠套叠的各种影响因素。Objective To analyse different influential factors that treat pediatric intussusception with air enema.

目的探讨影响小儿肠套叠空气灌肠整复术的因素,提高整复成功率。Objective To explore pediatric intussusception air enema factors of flaps, improve reconstructive success.

全组均行套叠复位加坏死肠段切除一期吻合术。All cases were performed an operation of resection of necrotic intestine after reduction of intussusception.

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目的分析小儿肠套叠的临床特点、诊断及治疗。Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and therapy of infantile acute intussusception.

有两家疫苗制造厂确信肠套叠的问题可以克服,于是重拾对轮状病毒疫苗的兴趣。Betting the intussusception problem could be overcome, two vaccine makers renewed their interest in rotavirus.

目的总结空气灌肠小儿肠套叠整复的经验,提高整复成功率。Objective To generalize experience of air enema in children intussusception and to elevate the successful rate.