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而一个年老体弱的父辈的存在给婚姻投下了长长的阴影。An aged and infirm parent casts a long shadow.

我们来这里保护、帮助年迈体弱者。We are here to protect and assist the weak and infirm.

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汤姆这人优柔寡断,向他征求意见是徒劳无益的。Tom is so infirm of purpose that it is useless to ask him for advice.

但其叮咬有时会使人致命——这些人常常为小孩、老人或体弱多病者。But bites can be fatal—usually to small children, the elderly, or the infirm.

开塞露用于小儿及年老体弱者便秘的治疗。Enema for constipation in children and the treatment of the elderly and infirm.

年老或者衰弱的漫游者会根据传统最后一次出发去影界,一去不归。It is the custom that aged or infirm Striders make a final journey into the Umbra, never to return.

如果你是老年人或体弱者,即使象按按键这样一个简单的运动都会是很困难的。Even a simple motion like pressing a key on a keyboard can be difficult if you are elderly or infirm.

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甩手是一种简易的健身锻炼方法,对中老年人和体弱者尤为适宜。Walk away is a simple method of fitness training on the elderly and infirm are particularly suitable.

从税收流失的规模角度看,我国税收的汲取能力比较弱,蕴涵着很大的税收风险。From the scale of tax losing, the ability of tax derive is infirm in China, containing serious tax risk.

这样一来,除了那些老弱病残者被狼捕食外,其它鹿的体质日益增强,数量也迅速地增长着。Thus, in addition to the old and infirm by Wolf predation, other deer body growing, number is rapidly growing.

当老奶奶虚弱到不能倒茶时,会有人劝她住养老院。When granny has become so infirm that she can no longer make a cup of tea, she may be nudged into a care home.

市场营销能力不强是国产数控机床市场占有率偏低的一个重要原因。The infirm ability to develop domestic market for NC machine tool is the important reason of lower market occupancy.

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如卡通画的生动描绘,四个孩子在进行一场“足球比赛”,所谓的“足球”是他们年老体弱的父亲。As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, four children are playing a "football match" and the "ball" is their old and infirm father.

他又用自己的钱创设了一所贫儿院,这种措施当时在法国还几乎是创举,他又为年老和残废的工人创办了救济金。He created at his own expense an infant school, a thing then almost unknown in France, and a fund for aiding old and infirm workmen.

实验结果表明,用该磁阻传感器测量地磁场,测量方法实用性强,精确度较高。The experimental results indicate that the viability and precision may be achieved by this sensor in measuring the infirm magnetic field.

这说明从总体而言,中国上市公司对高层管理人员的激励制约机制处于一种极弱状态。This result illuminated that as a whole the incentive and restrictive mechanisms to CEOs of China's listed firms were in a state of infirm.

大型弱联系的电力系统本身固有的薄弱的自然阻尼使得电力系统之间有时会产生自发的低频振荡现象。Large-scale power systems in infirm interconnections which inhere weak natural damping sometimes bring a low frequency self-oscillation phenomenon.

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对农村无依靠的老年人,由社会和集体对他们实行保吃、保穿、保注保医、保葬。In rural areas, childless and infirm old people are guaranteed food, clothing, housing, medical care and burial expenses by society and collectives.

第三是病人的体质差异,例如老幼体弱者和孕妇容易中毒,过敏体质的人则会发生过敏反应。The third is the patient's physical differences, such as young and old, infirm and pregnant women easily poisoning, allergies allergic reaction occurs.

一般来讲,身体强壮者,尚能抵御风寒,而年老体弱或劳累过度、身体较弱者,易被风寒入侵,必须谨慎。Generally speaking, able-bodied, able to withstand cold, and the elderly, the infirm or over-exertion, the body weak, susceptible to cold invasion, must be careful.