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他的两条腿向里弯曲。His legs bow inward.

门向内打开了。The door swung inward.

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门向里开着。The door swings inward.

这是一条向里弯曲的曲线。This is an inward curve.

门又一次向里打开了。The door swung inward once again.

睁开你们的心灵之眼,然后问自己Turn your mind's eye inward and ask.

门是朝房间里面开的。The door opened inward into the room.

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这些内部的褶皱叫做嵴。These inward folds are called cristae.

他在心里发出一阵狞恶的欢呼。He uttered a frightful cry of inward joy.

看哪,我这最后的疑虑是错了!Yet prodigal inward joy. Behold, I erred.

给您的头发做成向里卷还是向外卷?。Shall I make your curls inward or outward?

把此举认为是能源向内流动。Think of this as an inward flow of energy.

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但是,一些跑步者内翻过度。However, some runners roll inward too much.

探险队员发现了一条内部通道。The explorers discovered an inward passage.

随航引航船,同时引航员将登你船。Follow pilot boat inward where pilot will embark.

大卫又从米罗以里,周围筑墙。And David built round about from Millo and inward.

你觉得你的个性是倾于外向,还是内向?I am an outdoor person with an inward personality.

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我,地球母亲,邀请你开始向内在调协。I earth mother invite you to begin to tune inward.

它是一种由外而内转化抽象概念的能力。It is an inward sense of abstract perceptual shift.

另一个内部原因是信贷风险越来越大。Another reason to look inward is rising credit risk.