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马修是个老师。Matthew is a teacher.

马修高兴地笑了。Matthew smiled happily.

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马太为什么要添加呢?Why did Matthew add that?

马太抽起了那句,为什么?Matthew took that out. Why?

他是教学马修鱼。He is teaching Matthew Fish.

你知道我有一个弟弟吗,马非?You know my brother, Matthew?

我们带马修去看大夫。We take Matthew to the doctor.

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“五分钟,”他对马修说。“Five minutes, ” he said to Matthew.

马修·莫迪恩把鸟人演得很出色。Matthew Modine is excellent as Birdy.

马修和克莱尔有很大的不同。Matthew is very different from Clare.

第13章全部是比喻。Chapter 13 in Matthew is all parables.

是出自圣经的,马太福音第16章。It's in the Bible. It's in Matthew 16.

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我们是安德鲁和马修,电子显微。We are Andrew Heap and Matthew Rzepka.

第三天,我们把马修带回了家。On the third day, we take Matthew home.

再来看看马太福音的架构。Look at the structure of Matthew though.

马太说完全,而路加说慈悲。Matthew has perfect and Luke has merciful.

“尼-你真好玩,西尔维,”马修说。“Yuh-you’re funny, Sylvie, ” Matthew said.

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马太刚被呼召作耶稣的门徒。Matthew had just been called as a disciple.

马修讪讪地转过身去面对那孩子。Matthew turned shyly to speak to the child.

干得好,马修。我知道你能行。Nice work, Matthew. I knew you could do it.