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浏览窗则试图从另一个角度来呈现在线新闻。The Skimmer takes another approach to presenting news online.

像剪丝绸一样,这只黑剪嘴鸥寻找午餐。Like cutting silk, this black skimmer looks for something for lunch.

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从植物,衬里,撇油器,过滤器,自己动手做工具包,灯光,藻类泵。Of plants, lines, pump, filters, skimmer DIY kit, lights, and algae.

设计并制造了喷咀——分流器系统以产生气体团束。A nozzle skimmer system was constructed which allowed for generation the gas cluster beam.

一群剪嘴鸥在加蓬海岸区鱼类富集的水面上空滑翔而过。A flock of African skimmer birds glides over the fish-rich waters of Gabon 's coastal region.

改进后的撇油器溢油回收的效率大幅提高。Being improved, the recovery speed and efficiency of the weir skimmer are increased markedly.

设浮渣刮集排泥装置,池底可为平流底或斜流底。It is equipped with scum skimmer and remover. The bottom of tank can be either flat or sloping.

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鲸鱼号是世界最大的除油船,周一该船仍在测试其除油能力。The Taiwanese ship A Whale continued testing its prowess on Monday as the world's largest skimmer.

埃文莱·伍德在“活百科全书”中讲述的那个教授如果真的存在,估计也是浏览速度。Evelyn Wood's "walking encyclopedia" of a professor was probably a skimmer too, assuming he existed.

分析了高炉冶炼钒钛磁铁矿炉前砂口损坏的原因。Reasons of the skimmer damage when smelting V-bearing titanomagnetite at Panzhihua Iron and Steel Group are studied.

小型的浮油回收船可以清除碎片残骸以及海藻类,大型的浮油回收船可以在深海中作业。The smaller oil skimmer vessels are capable of removing debris and algae and the larger vessels can work on the deep ocean.

海岸警卫队表示,每天泄漏的原油低于840加仑,撇油船正在事发地进行清理和围护工作。The coast guard says less than 840 gallons a day is being discharged and skimmer boats are on site to help with cleanup and containment.

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如果石油泄漏发生在某个被海冰封锁的小湾内,那撇油船、拖船以及其他用于快速反应的设施也将于事无补。The skimmer boats, tugs, and other equipment needed for quick response will be useless if they are parked far from a spill in an ice-locked inlet.

在珊瑚缸里使用NPX生物降解豆必须和蛋白质分离器配合使用,达到排除细菌和被吸收的营养物。The use of NPX Bioplastics in marine aquariums must be accompanied by the use of a protein skimmer to achieve the export of bacteria and assimilated nutrients.

15年前,我们开始是一家塑料模具公司,后来因喜爱和养殖海水热带鱼类,而开始研发及生产海水用化氮器。It was 15 years ago we started as a molding company and later driven by the liking and understanding of marine fish keeping, we started the manufacturing of protein skimmer.

剪嘴鸥有着独特的成形鸟喙,它的下颚比上颚长很多。它们大张着鸟喙低飞过河口或河流的水面,捕捉小鱼为食。With its uniquely shaped bill, the lower mandible is much longer than the upper one, skimmer birds feed on small fish by flying open- mouthed over the surface of estuaries and rivers.