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我感觉不到一丝的充实感。I didn't feel any real fulfillment.

这些玩肄锅给你所谓的成就感?This gives you sense of fulfillment?

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他认为所有的梦境都是愿望的满足。He viewed all dreams as wish fulfillment.

在这个世界上我们怎样才能获得满足?How can we attain fulfillment in this world ?

和平与人类潜能的实践。Peace and fulfillment of humankinds' potential.

吸附性好,妥帖覆盖。Adsorption of good, proper fulfillment coverage.

它能给人带来一种满足和满意的感觉。It creates a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

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我们在自然的世界中得到快乐和成就感。We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world.

快乐的是一只鸟,它只栖息在花繁叶茂的树上。Happy is a bird, it found only in fulfillment of the tree.

我们进化于一个飞禽走兽,鸟语花香、山石林立、万物繁盛的自然世界,因而自然界是我们得到愉悦感与满足感的源泉。We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world.364

婚姻只是诋毁、侮辱、败坏这种实现。Marriage but defiles, outrages, and corrupts her fulfillment.

如今我的每一天都是在追逐幸福和成功。I am reaching for happiness and fulfillment today, every day.

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这种系统可以用于一个履行订单的系统中。This kind of system can also be used for a fulfillment system.

我带着全燔祭进入你的圣殿,我要向你偿还我的各种誓愿。I will bring offerings to your house in fulfillment of my vows.

然而,我们行事却常常偏爱安逸而非完成任务的满足。Yet, we often act in a way that favors comfort over fulfillment.

生成挑选列表并将其交付给履行中心。Generate picking lists and route them to the fulfillment centers.

老兽人粗糙的脸上显出平和和满足的样子。The old orc had a look of peace and fulfillment upon his gnarled face.

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而公有领域的作品以这种方式实现价值的成本降低为零。Costs of fulfillment for public-domain works disappear in this approach.

在睡前,一次又一次地想象你的愿望实现时的影像。Imagine the fulfillment of your desire over and over again prior to sleep.

他们主要是以成功和成就来经验圆满。They experience fulfillment primarily through success and accomplishments.