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DPM值与作用时间无相关性。The value of DPM was irrelevant to exposure time.

然后分析了传感器检测事件到达的时间间隔和动态功率管理的关系。Then, the relation between DPM and the time when the next event arrive is analyzed.

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提出了利用小波、卡尔曼滤波器和自回归分析进行动态功率管理的方法。Based on wavelet, Kalman filter and autoregressive model, a method for DPM is presented.

意大利天涂国际成立于1973年,是世界上著名的建筑辅材供应商。Italian Tometo International was founded in 1973, is the world's leading supplier of building DPM.

制定粉尘释放通量数值模拟参数化方案,修正适用于西安市建筑工地的DPM模型。Establish the parameter scheme to modify DPM model which can be used on building site of Xi'an City.

DPM本质上是一种“在线”问题,必须能够自适应于系统工作环境的变化。DPM policies are online problems in nature which must be adaptive to the changes of system working surroundings.

传统的DPM策略仅从设备的角度考察工作负载状况,忽略了工作负载的应用特征。Traditional DPM policies only focus on the device requests, and neglect the application features behind the workload.

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在系统设计实现的基础上,本文还就DPM中应用的关键技术进行了研究。In this paper, we also study on the key technologies used in DPM based on the design and implementation of the system.

该方案与传统的静态电源管理方案相比,在灵活性和可靠性方面有了较大的增强。Compared with the existing static power management scheme, this DPM scheme has some improvement in flexibility and reliability.

本文讨论DPM符号可读性的标准,验证方法,以及可达到最佳效果的条形码阅读器配置。This paper discusses DPM symbol readability criteria, verification methodologies, and barcode reader configurations that will yield optimal results.

该防御系统借助DPM算法获得攻击包的入口地址,并在受害者端过滤攻击包。The defense system leverages on DPM schemes to obtain the information of ingress addresses of attack packets and perform packet filtering at the victim end.

老百姓越来越有钱了,装修也越来越懂,对装修辅材使用也开始关心起来,辅材不再是工头工人的“自留地”。People more and more rich, decoration is also increasingly understand, of DPM decoration use also began to care, DPM is no longer the foreman workers "plot".

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由于传统谐振直流环节逆变器只能采用离散脉冲调制方式,输出波形中含有丰富的低次谐波,严重影响输出性能。The output waves of traditional resonant DC-Link inverter have too much low frequency harmonic waves which affect the output performance, because it can only use DPM control.

采用对比试验,分析了C40再生混凝土冻融损伤失效过程,利用损伤抛物线模型对再生混凝土寿命进行了预测。According to contrast experiment, the process of freezing-thawing damage is analysis in C40 recycled aggregate concrete, and its service life prediction is predicted based on DPM.

动力学模型需要大量的田间实测资料,主要应用于农田氮素循环、定量评价水氮资源利用率、优化水肥管理措施等方面。The DPM method needs lot of field data, mainly to study nitrogen cycle in field, assess water and nitrogen usage efficiency and optimize management soil water and nitrogen fertilizer.