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Eurisko是个弱者。Eurisko was an underdog.

她总是支持居劣势的一方。She always support the underdog.

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她总是支持居劣势的一方。She always roots for the underdog.

他总是替弱者打抱不平。He always sticks up for the underdog.

当弱者像大卫一样战斗,他们通常能赢。When an underdog fought like David, he usually won.

购买败下阵来的技术的用户发生了什么呢?What happened to users who bought the underdog technology?

它依然像不起眼的小公司一样思考,即便它早就不再是家小公司。It still thinks like an underdog. Even if it isnt' anymore.

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很精彩,处于劣势的一方最后还是赢了。Yeah, it's very wonderful. The underdog side won the debater at last.

如果说美国人有一件擅长的事,那么就是扮演落魄者。If there’s one thing Americans are good at, it’s playing the underdog.

向来都有被压迫的人借滑稽说笑向当权者说出真相。There's a history of the underdog using standup comedy to speak truth to power.

看待丹麦人这一范例,可以从他们是失败者这一角度入手。One way to look at the Danes paradigm of themselves is that they are the underdog.

我们的幽默感、礼貌和支持弱势团体同样为世人所称道。We are also known for our sense of humour, politeness and support for the underdog.

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虽然我们队在这次比赛中是弱旅,但我仍相信他们会赢的。Even though our team is the underdog in the beat match, I still think they will win.

在1964年奥运会10,000米长跑项目中,他是公认的绝对弱旅。Bill was considered a major underdog in the 1964 Olympics for the 10, 000 meter dash.

强者之所以取得胜利,通常是因为弱者被他们的规则玩弄了。When the Goliaths win, it's often because the underdog is playing by Goliath's rules.

因为他是唯一滑学士称号的申请者,他明白自己处于劣势,未必可谋到那个职位。As the only non-graduate applicant, he knew he was the underdog and unlikely to get the positon.

查韦斯是一位直言不讳、富有争议的领袖,他支持国内外的弱势群体。Hugo Chavez was an outspoken, controversial leader, championing the underdog at home and abroad.

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他向人们说明美国是一个能给失败者提供崛起机会的社会。It's shown people that America is a society that gives the underdog a chance to rise to the top.

但是有一天,我感受到主耶稣的切切呼召,让我去爱那些被遗弃的人、罪犯和受欺压的人们。But one day I woke up to Jesus' deeper challenge to love the outcast, the criminal, the underdog.

对于球迷的“弱者”这是一个人,亚利桑纳州无法坚持在比赛的最后阶段。For fans of the"underdog" it was a heartbreaker as Arizona was unable to hold on late in the game.