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但是这些分析并没有使微软气馁。But Microsoft is undaunted.

但是我忽然这样大无畏的似乎只有我一个。But I am abrupt so undaunted be like to have me only.

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无视于危险,探险家继续深入丛林。Undaunted by danger, the explorers continued into the jungle.

我们的团队无惧感染「沙士」的危险,士气高昂,勇敢向前。Undaunted by the risk of SARS infection, our team kept their morale high.

无畏地,他又再一次转回原来的位置以让我们拍摄更多的好照片。好家伙!Undaunted , he reverts to his old position for us to take more shots, good boy!

但是有着“每日精益求精”口号的长城公司,看来是勇敢畏惧的。But Great Wall, with its slogan "improving little by little every day", seems undaunted.

但他还是走了,一副大无畏的样子,留给我们一个大大的微笑,算是感谢所有帮助过他的人。Undaunted and sporting a huge smile, he left anyway, thanking all of us for helping him.

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瑞知先生,认为他的职业,和极限运动很相似,但是他一点也不畏惧挑战。But Mr Rietze is undaunted by the challenges of his profession likening it to an extreme sport.

共和党内的一端是一些无所畏惧的新保守主义者,他们仍然热衷于飘洋过海去斩杀妖魔鬼怪。At one end of the party are some undaunted neocons, keen still to slay monsters across the seas.

有一个残疾舞者最后退出了,因为他觉得在大庭广众下展示自己的缺陷比较难堪,但是希福却毫不畏惧。The other dancers eventually pulled out, too embarrassed to show their disabilities in public, but Xi was undaunted.

从突尼斯到伊朗,从也门到利比亚,这一年民主运动的主线是无所畏惧的勇气。The common thread of this year's democracy movement from Tunisia to Iran, from Yemen to Libya, has been undaunted courage.

求高尚的心智、深远的着眼点、慷慨的风度、豪迈的度量、大无畏的气概、崇高的精神境界。It applies for high grade psyche, great vision, generous demeanor and heroic measure, undaunted gumption and lofty mental realm.

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但是麦凯恩在这最后一周的竞选中,不顾长期历经的坎坷,仍然不屈不挠。But McCain remains undaunted by the long electoral odds in the final week of the campaign. He spoke to a rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

但是麦凯恩在这最后一周的竞选中,不顾长期历经的坎坷,仍然不屈不挠。他在宾夕法尼亚州赫西的大会上发表讲话说。But McCain remains undaunted by the long electoral odds in the final week of the campaign. He spoke to a rally in Hershey , Pennsylvania.

科学家在探索宇宙真善美所呈现出坚韧意志、不屈精神和严谨作风也是美丽的。Scientists have shown the tough volition, undaunted spirit and religious style while exploring the real, friendly and beautiful universe.

搜寻队开始沿着陡峭崎岖的通往山里的小路攀登,对于黑暗可能带来的危险毫不畏惧。The search party Began their climB up a steep winding path leading into the mountains, undaunted By the hazards that darkness might Bring.

沿着陡峭崎岖的通往山里的小路,搜寻队开始了他们的攀登,对于黑暗可能带来的危险毫不畏惧。Up a steep winding path leading into the mountains, the search party Began their climB, undaunted By the hazards that darkness might Bring.

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沿着陡峭崎岖的通往山里的小路,对于黑暗可能带来的危险毫不畏惧,搜寻队开始了他们的攀登。Up a steep winding path leading into the mountains, undaunted By the hazards that darkness might Bring, the search party Began their climB.

沿着陡峭崎岖的通往山里的小路,搜寻队开始了他们的攀登,对于黑暗可能带来的危险毫不畏惧。Up a steep winding path leading into the mountains, the search party began their climb , undaunted by the hazards than darkness might bring.

但是尾气排放和安全性能双双达标并非轻而易举。但是,将“与日俱进”奉为口号的长城汽车似乎是不畏艰难勇往直前的。And meeting emissions and safety standards will be no picnic. But Great Wall, with its slogan "improving little by little every day", seems undaunted.