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古老的,忧郁的河流。Ancient, dusky rivers.

暮色中的一畦畦西红柿。The dusky rows of tomatoes.

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才到下午四点,便又冷又昏黄。Afternoon, four o'clock, dusky and cold.

他黑黝黝的皮肤是健康的标志。His dusky skin is a sign of healthiness.

眼下,朦胧的冲浪中忽出忽进的是种猪。Now boars rush in and out of the dusky surf.

在昏暗的灯光下,整个剧院里一片喧嚣。The whole theatre roared in the dusky light.

黄昏路上我看见那皱了的美丽的脸。On the dusky road I see the fair crinkled face.

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我喜欢见什么也不做的无所事事的微暗的男人。I like to see dusky men sitting about doing nothing.

淡紫色、暗淡的粉色以及蓝色渲染着似纱般的云。Lavenders, dusky pinks, and blues stained the gauzy clouds.

欧洲蕨在晴朗的秋天正变为暗金色。The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn.

她那暗色的嘴微微启开,露出洁白的小牙齿。Her dusky mouth was parted slightly to show tiny white teeth.

喷泉如一枝纤细的水晶般悬在晦暗的空气里。Like a slim reed of crystal a fountain hung in the dusky air.

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无限的财富不属于你,我坚忍黝黑的尘埃之母!Infinite wealth is not yours, my patient and dusky mother dust!

宽嘴鹟在上胸部侧面有污灰色。Asian Brown Flycatcher has greyish- dusky wash on upper-breast sides.

一片潮红升上她的面颊,他立即懊悔自己说过的话。A dusky blush rose to her cheek, and he instantly regretted his words.

炭灰的枝条指向天空,大街上朦胧的灯光照亮了暗中的一角。Ashes branches toward the sky, street light lit up the dusky dark corner.

该组织还报告了灰鲨和沙洲鲨也正受到威胁。The group also reported the dusky and sandbar sharks as being threatened.

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穿过窗户他看见蜜色的大月亮挂在朦胧的天空。Through the window he saw the great honey-coloured moon hanging in the dusky air.

但是,突然我的眼睛被一瓶颜色较深的冷榨菜籽油吸引。Suddenly though, my eye was caught by a dusky bottle of cold-pressed rapeseed oil.

在梦境中那幽僻的小径上我追寻着前世的爱恋…In the dusky path of a dream I went to seek the love who was mine in a former life.