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彼得在厨房中为绒猴准备吃的。In the marmoset kitchen, Peter prepares the monkeys' daily menu.

你知道书呆子和毛茸茸的黑色狨猴有什麽共同之处吗?他们都比较安静。What does a bookworm have in common with a black-tufted marmoset?

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在女孩的肩膀上坐着一只正在挠头的小猴子。On the girl's shoulder sat a little marmoset scratching its head comically.

稀有的新出生白子侏儒狨猴栖息在一位动物园管理员的手指上。Rare newborn albino Pygmy Marmoset monkeys perched on a zookeeper 's fingers.

卷尾猴群竟把这只狨猴从其幼年,一直喂养到了成年的岁数。The monkeys raised the marmoset from infancy to about the age she would have been an adult.

科学家最近已成功把常见的绒猴作为新的供拉沙热研究的动物模型。Scientists have developed the common marmoset monkey as a new animal model for Lassa fever research.

一只高位截瘫的猿猴在经过干细胞治疗后,脊柱损伤状况得到部分恢复。A paralyzed marmoset has partially recovered from spinal injury after undergoing stem cell treatment.

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科学家说,他们将发现一个绿色的发光蛋白质在水母到受精狨鸡蛋。The scientists say they injected a green glowing protein found in jellyfish into fertilized marmoset eggs.

我是第一次使用猴子游戏引擎,包括实时模型的预览。For first time, Toolbag a simple tool that uses the Marmoset game engine and include a real time model viewer.

狨宝宝出生时,狨爸爸会为小狨猴清洗身体,要喂奶时,才会将宝宝交给妈妈。When the marmoset is born, the father cleans it, then carries it to the mother only when it needs to be nursed.

这种非常小的小矮猴或手指猴原产地在巴西西部的雨林地带。The pygmy marmoset or dwarf monkey or finger monkey is a New World monkey native to the rainforest canopies of western Brazil.

他们之所以会开展这项研究,也是因为珍妮在一次拍摄时,无意中碰上了这群卷尾猴,并且很惊讶的看到,它们在照顾一只小狨猴,甚至还给它喂吃的。Jeanne came across the group of capuchins by accident and was astounded to see them carrying around and even giving food to the little marmoset.

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国内动物园绒猴专家已经特此参观实验室多次,并向彼得讨教堪称艺术典范的饲养。The facility has been visited by marmoset specialists at UK zoos who wanted to learn from the state-of-the-art husbandry that Peter has developed.

与这个小朋友嬉戏时,卷尾猴会小心翼翼的调整动作,以免伤到小家伙——它的体积实在比它们小太多了。And when they played with their little friend, they carefully adjusted the force of their movements so they wouldn't injure the much smaller marmoset.

拉沙热同样可以导致严重的免疫系统抑制,这也是现今对绒猴疫苗研究的一个方向。Lassa fever also causes a marked suppression of the immune system, an aspect of the disease that the researchers are tracking with the current marmoset vaccine study.