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恐怕我是来得太迟了。Anne is so frightfully spoilt.

达林先生心里好不羞愧,可是他偏不肯让步。Mr. Darling was frightfully ashamed of himself, but he would not give in.

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我相信帕拉斯蒂拉斯是个很好的人,他说,就是极其难说话。Plastiras is a very good man I believe, he said, but frightfully difficult.

为其编程,令他在真实的人类社会中运行,将是极具挑战性的。Programming him to function in real human spaces will be frightfully more challenging.

我和我的丈夫邓肯都为束衣着迷,酷爱拘束。I have always been fascinated by corsets and my husband, Duncan, is frightfully keen on restraint.

“你的朋友——他去哪儿了?”某天,她问自己的丈夫,“我觉得他好像对我非常厌倦。”"When is he going—your friend?" she one day asked her husband. "For my part, he tires me frightfully."

如果我把某人送到监狱或拘留中心,我回家时就总会感到非常焦虑和不安。I always come home frightfully worried and wretched if I have sent somebody to prison or to a detention centre.

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公山羊觉得口渴极了,来到这井边,看见狐狸在井下,便问他井水好不好喝?Goats feel thirsty pole, came to it, he saw a fox underground at the edge, then ask him well water frightfully good?

亨利步履蹒跚,而范佩西仍旧在亨利后面乱打乱撞,不过他至少还展示了一些实力。Henry is frightfully off pace, and while van Persie is still working his way back, he is at least showing some fight.

皇家不只是要在马背上显得十分骁勇,君主必须有能力去掌握利用无线电麦克风。It's not just a matter of looking frightfully regal on a horse, the monarch has to be able to master the radio microphone.

然而,在中国,当“重男轻女”遇上独生子女政策,这个问题的范畴更为广大。In China, however, the problem takes on a frightfully larger scope when "son preference" meets the notorious One Child policy.

从托迪斯搬到柴郡一个“使人害怕的豪华的”区域,她的母亲“与英国阶级结构打了个照面”。Moving from Toxteth to a "frightfully posh" part of Cheshire, her mother came "face to face with the British class structure".

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然而,我也因此与邓肯相识,我意识到他对于别人是否被绑过敏感得可怕,尤其是女孩子是否被绑过。However, I had met Duncan than and learned he was so frightfully keen on people being bound and particularly on girls being bound.

“你们好大的胆!”瑞吉斯咆哮着,吓得士兵和科学家们赶紧下跪,而雷则被脸朝下扔在地板上。"How dare you! " she bellowed, frightfully enough to send both soldiers and scientists to their knees, and Rem face-first to the floor.

不过这个人很不幸,有着一把蓝色胡子,这使得他丑得可怕,所有的大姑娘小妇人都跑得离他远远的。But this man was so unlucky as to have a blue1 beard, which made him so frightfully ugly that all the women and girls ran away from him.

这个透明到可怕的字,不用再解释了,它的含义既是杀,又是谋害,又是抢劫。It is useless to explain the sense of this frightfully transparent remark, which signifies both to kill, to assassinate, and to plunder.

我甚至在写到、看到接吻的场面,尤其在电视上看到时,感到非常尴尬,因为这通常会导致更糟糕的事情。I even find it frightfully embarrassing to write about snogging, or to watch it – particularly on telly – because it usually leads to something worse.

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同时也解释了,魔法世界的人们整天从事极度危险的活动,却没看见有谁会轻易受伤。That also ties in with the fact that people in the Wizarding world engage in frightfully dangerous activities all the time and don't seem to get hurt.

想要透彻地了解小精灵是怎么回事恐怕会十分困难,而唯一可以肯定的是有孩子的地方肯定就会存在小精灵。It is frightfully difficult to know much about the fairies and almost the only thing known for certain is that there are fairies wherever there are children.

他们人员可观。然而,食死徒们杀害了大量的凤凰社的成员,并且把抓来的凤凰社成员编制到了自己这里。They were frightfully outnumbered, however, and the Death Eaters were killing the members of the Order off, many times filling their entire families along with them.