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她认为,张炳良。She finds Anthony.

“是我”安东尼说道。"I do, " Anthony said.

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真是安东尼,霍普金斯?Was it Anthony Hopkins?

安东尼,霍普金斯,棒极了。Anthony Hopkins excellent.

安东尼从未缴纳罚款。Anthony never paid the fine.

歌手安东尼Kiedis生了一个儿子。Singer Anthony Kiedis had a son.

费城,迈克小,安东尼,西蒙。Philly, Mike Jnr, Anthony and Simon.

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她对安东尼特罗洛普野生。She was wild about Anthony Trollope.

安东尼和克娄巴特拉死于公元前30年。Anthony and Cleopatra died in 30 B. C.

圣德安东尼在沙漠中被考验。St. Anthony was tempted in the desert.

我也觉得该是安东尼,霍普金斯。I have a feeling it was Anthony Hopkins.

出发后,他确实领先了一大步,但不久后他便抽筋了,举步维艰。But soon Anthony doubles over with cramps.

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周杰伦黄秋生两父子爱装酷!Jay Chou & Anthony Wong love to play cool!

安东尼·布鲁克就是语言学博士。Anthony Bruck had a doctorate in linguistics.

安东尼成为不少富翁的好友。Anthony became good friends of some magnates.

我没听说安东尼和西塞莉在谈恋爱啊。I didn't know Anthony and Cicely were dating.

安东尼陈德良行了他的镜头。Anthony Luong lines up his shot for the camera.

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带着希望,安东尼开始了他去北方的旅程。With hope, Anthony went on his journey to the North.

安东尼失去了他的工作和他在豪华游轮上的生活。Anthony lost his job and his life on the fancy boats.

我真的很喜欢倪安东的图片!I really love the pictures you post of Anthony Neely!